• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • You do realize that if the USA goes to shit, the rest of the world will also go? Not because the USA went to shit, but because the shit-in-chief will be bound and determined to bring said shit to the rest of the world and cram it down y’all’s throats while shaking hands with Putin and Kim? He already talked about withdrawing from NATO and telling Putin he has carte blanche to just roll over Europe, and don’t be surprised if a few lobbyists in the military-industrial complex convince him that taking a second look at colonization of the Global South for their minerals might just be a good idea while he’s at it.

  • Isn’t surfing the web the main use case for a large portion of the PC/Laptop user base? Pretty sure for wide swaths of people, “executable”, “startup program” and “HDD” have no meaning. Not saying that’s “right” or “wrong”, just that that’s my observation. You could make the argument that they might as well switch to Chromebook, and in fact, many do.

    For intermediate users, there’s a graphical startup program menu for selecting startup apps, at least in Mint Cinnamon. Usually programs for me won’t be able to access my HDD only if I did an even more advanced thing and made a docker instance without permissions - other than that, I’ve been able to connect programs like Steam (Flatpack) to my external HDD without issue. But maybe that’s just Mint, idk.

  • Linux Mint and Zorin OS work out of the box for most users. Usually the most complicated part is just the installation process (which can be an absolute pain if the starting system has Intel RST, Secure Boot and Fast Boot all enabled). Of course, more advanced users always can run the risk of breaking something (I accidentally broke my system irreparably at one point when I did a dumb and formatted my Swap for some reason and had to reinstall) but that’s also true of Windows.

  • The military, among both officers and enlisted, is actually pretty split politically, and a good number can and will refuse to obey an order they perceive to be unconstitutional, or outright commit mutiny. For all that the military warns about insider threats, it is also woefully unprepared to deal with them as well. Military servicemembers are also significantly stricter with the use of deadly force than police from my experience, although that may simply be due to my having served in the SSBN force.