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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • People do on occasion, like there were armed leftists that prevented police from raiding encampments in Texas, and at some protests there have been organized armed groups like John Brown Gun Clubs or Socialist Rifle Associations. Several people that argued for more militant resistance to state violence were murdered in 2020, and many times for decades before that, so a lot of people are scared and not organized sufficiently, but there are groups that have been preparing.

  • I’ve seen this harassment all the time in non-competitive games though. Even on the PS3 playing GTAIV, when my character was a woman, people would follow me, two different times people added me, no one had when I was a male character. One of them messaged me asking if I was actually a woman lol. Obviously this is just anecdotal, but there are plenty of stats about this sort of thing.

    If your view is that most people are self-centered and nasty I think you maybe need to socialize with different people. Like you said the anonymity of the internet dehumanizes people and encourages more toxic behavior, I don’t believe most people really are so toxic though.

  • I appreciate your perspective on this. What you describe is about more than just ‘assholes don’t get guns’, although that is a crucial aspect. The way your family owns just ‘a’ gun, trained for a long while before shooting, respect for following gun laws. This is the opposite of the usual experience around guns in the US. We as a culture in the US are careless and wanton with guns in general from what I’ve seen.

    I was shown how to use a gun when I was 6 years old, my parents were responsible though so it was only an air pistol, but heavy duty, not airsoft. We had a shotgun, 9mm pistol and a .22 rifle in the house never locked up, didn’t even have a safe to lock them if my dad wanted to, and the shotgun was often stored loaded. When people here get together to shoot, it’s not odd to hand a loaded gun to someone that has never been to a range or even seen one fired before. Plenty of people are much safer than this, but I would guess my experience is the more common from what I’ve seen.

    From what I can tell, most gun safety training in the US is a single sentence: Always treat it like it’s loaded, and keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.