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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I prefer restic for my backups. There’s nothing inherently wrong with just making a copy if that is sufficient for you though. Restic will create small point in time snapshots as compared to just a file copy so I’m the event that perhaps you made a mistake and accidentally deleted something from the “live” copy and managed to propagate that to your backup it is a nonissue as you could simply restore from a previous snapshot.

    These snapshots can also be compressed and deduplicated making them extremely space efficient.

  • There are 0 solutions in a reverse proxy if it is not capable of absorbing the amount of traffic required to maintain service while under a ddos attack. How exactly does a reverse proxy do anything to protect from a ddos?

    Edit: I see perhaps I misinterpreted this. Sure, there are other ddos protection services but if you are under attack RIGHT NOW and your critical services are down are you going to shop around for alternatives that aren’t Cloudflare or are you just going to go straight to the thing you know will do exactly what you need with a proven track record of doing it?

    Going to CF is entirely understandable and they said that once the dust settles they will be looking at alternatives for the future that is not CF.

    I’m far from a CF shill. I believe they do more longer term harm than their short term “good” has done. From an ops perspective though this action was very reasonable.

  • So, why use Linux

    Because I prefer it in functionally every way to Windows. I prefer (when feasible) to use open source and/or FLOSS software. I am vastly more familiar with Linux than I am Windows on a technical level. I generally dislike most things about Windows.

    and use Steam

    It works, it’s convenient, they have a generally good track record of not screwing over users.

    I prefer many of the features of Linux distros, but using a client like Steam defeats the purpose of them.

    That is a pretty serious leap in logic. You’re welcome to not like Steam on a technical, moral, and/or philosophical level but at the end of the day it is a single application and saying that using Linux while also using Steam “defeats the purpose of Linux” is ridiculous. Linux is an Operating System, it is meant to assist the user in computing. If the user is using Linux to compute they are fulfilling the exact purpose of Linux, that being an open and free operating system to be used by any who desire it.