• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • Lol, right off the bat, like the extreme left have any respect for the apparatus of federal government. 🙄🙄 (see blm riots, where protesters in Portland attacked and caused damage to The Courthouse, The Edith Green-Wendall Wyatt Federal Building, the Gus J. Solomon U.S Courthouse, The Pioneer Courthouse, and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement building.)

    right like minor acts of property damage equate to literally attempting to overthrow the federal government?

    You fool

  • Not knocking people with similar beliefs hanging out together, but it’s wild yousay that and don’t see that in lemmy.

    Yawn here we go again with slippery slope echo chamber arguments.

    Ok well I AM knocking conservatives when they hang out in groups, they become incredibly toxic and violent in their beliefs and they become dangerous even to the existence of a basic apparatus of federal government (see January 6th). Still, like putting all the rotting food in a trash can, while it doesn’t slow down the rot of the already rotting food, it does keep it contained and safe. Conservative hateful ideologies can only really thrive when centrists use force to open the door to larger communities and make them accept the presence of fascists. Then normalization can start that will indoctrinate people who never otherwise would have accepted the violence and unnecessary cruelty of conservatism simply because people begin to think “oh, well we wouldn’t have let an ACTUAL fascist through the door right!? We are civilized!”.

    The difference between groups of leftists is while they all might have pink hair and punk looking clothes and rainbow colors or whatever, and they all might “look the same” to you…. but unlike your pathetic, lame conservative friends, your leftist friends will accept you for whoever you want to be whether we are talking about your gender, clothing tastes, desire to express feminine or masculine identities, off the wall careers you want to follow, new developments in your relationship to your spirituality or religion or really WHATEVER the fuck you want. Your leftist friends will give you direct aid no questions asked when you need it, they will be vulnerable and emotional with you when you need it and never shy away from a heartfelt conversation about love or caring for others just because it is awkward.

    Your conservative friends will be too afraid to hug you when you reveal to them you are far out on an edge of depression and scared you are going to hurt yourself because that might look gay, they will literally leave you floundering at the edge of the void because they have been so fucked by their ideology that their first concern is to assure you they didn’t abruptly switch who they were attracted to and were now trying to make a move on you while you are emotionally devastated.

    Conservatives are for the most part dangerous children who think they are adults, and they largely stand in the way of younger generations fighting for their survival. Go find your local radical leftist librarian at whatever protest all the kids are at on the other hand…

    When leftists get mad it isn’t because they are drunk at their high school kids sports game and yelling at an innocent scared high school trans kid that he is gonna beat the queers up, they get mad because people don’t have healthcare or homes, or when genocide is happening or when we are destroying the earth in a way we can never fix. They chain themselves to a tree in the path of a dozer which is a universe away from being angry and mad at people because you don’t understand them and that scares you, the leftist understands exactly what functions the tree, the bulldozer and their body all play in that moment and they willing and full of righteous anger to do it.

    The shrillness you place in leftism is we don’t make time for bigots, and if your social awareness is so muted that you can’t tell the difference between shouting down a bigot and bullying a truly innocent and well intentioned person, than don’t get upset at leftists for seeing a massive red flag flying over your head in terms of deducing your intentions.

  • If by asking for a neutral place you are asking for somewhere that conservatives with hateful, childish, and dangerous beliefs that have no quantifiable basis in reality can go where they won’t be treated like children… shrugs

    Not anywhere I will spend my time, conservatives can stay in their lame isolated pockets on the fediverse, the rest of the fediverse is for people who actually have functioning capacities for empathy and want to have adult conversations that adhere to reality.

  • TL;DR of course sci-fi couldn’t have imagined how cool juggalos are, scifi is mostly written (and MORE importantly gate-kept) by man-babies with incredibly narrow views of reality, fuck sci-fi let’s go hang out with the juggalos…

    Honestly other than just extrapolating out what technologies will facilitate the rise of dystopias (while being weirdly obsessed with the aesthetics of dystopias to the point of it being dysfunctional to the objectives of the narrative and fiction) what have sci-fi writers actually meaningfully imagined about the future in the western canon?

    For all the mountains and mountains of sci-fi books and tv shows written I am not sure there is actually much to show for it except endless descriptions of how colonization, war and authoritarian power will be facilitated by future technologies (in a way that superficially claims to be subversive but is really just technology porn, politics be damned).

    The only western/European sci-fi series of any significant popularity that I think grapples with anything meaningfully human about positive potentials of the future is Star Trek. Other scifis of course accomplish this in parts of their stories, or in peripheral stories and side series, but almost without fail they all circle back to the same 5 things a boomer dude can imagine a society of boring boomer dudes doing who worship technology and talk over women.

    Murderbot is dope tho, I don’t say this critique to attack the wave of sci-fi that is written by diverse new authors that subverts the genre, just to say that the old guard of the genre should be trashed and thrown out the window in favor of these new authors who actually treat envisioning the human condition realistically as important…. to writing books about humans in the future…….

    ….sigh sorry I really think the classic sci-fi genre gets wayyyyyyyy too much of a pass for being a serious genre of art when it is written by a bunch of clowns who mainly used representations of human beings like action figures and G.I. Joe figurines, bending them in brutal and inhuman ways so that they carry out cool action sequences on the living room floor and reference cool technologies that will make their dad notice them and give them a hug for being smart. None of which is wrong unless you are claiming to write literature that illuminates deep things about the human condition with respect to the breadth of future possibilities.

  • Unfortuantely, I think just about every fan base these days has to deal with its share of racist Trump supporters who steal scrap metal from construction sites for meth money…

    If you live in the US (or UK) you live in a collapsing society being suffocated and held in place by neoliberal austerity politics that purposefully shuts down the possibility of any genuine systematic reform that isn’t in the direction of fascism. The US is run by centrists who will spit in your face (while their Republican drinking buddies cheer them on) for daring to suggest populist leftism reforms that would actually improve the quality of life of the working class and poor of the US.

    In that environment people are going to resort to taking meth and stealing scrap to survive, as society is literally trying to kill them off and there is no rational hope to be found for things to change. Are these people druggies, are they sketchy? Are some of them maga heads who turn to pathetic and hateful views? Yes, but I think it is important to always recognize the conditions that lead desperate people to act in desperate ways when we discuss the repulsiveness of said desperate acts of non-violent crime.

  • Maybe the whole point of Monty Python was to sketch out ways that humans could behave that would confuse and hugely throw off machine learning algorithms.

    Talk about “poisoning the well” with AI training, all you have to do is 65% of the time make completely normal and rational intelligent choices and the other 35% be completely illogical and inscrutable. Any algorithm trained on you then, no matter how smart you are or how valuable your knowledge is, will inconsistently and abruptly resort to batshit crazy and unreliable choices and information. :)

    The thousands and thousands of years we have nurtured sarcasm and absurdism in the garden of human culture has all been for this one true purpose…

    I would say maybe John Cleese is an alien trying to save us, but Cleese is a dick no matter how funny the stuff he was involved in was and I would hope Aliens were much more open minded than he is.

  • My conversations with young people have been trending towards going the exact same way as my conversations with MAGA boomers who are also very passionate about the disinformation they’ve found on the internet by “doing their own research.” Being upset on the internet isn’t something to be proud of.

    Critical thinking is more important than emotion in the age of disinformation. Try harder to think more critically and less emotionally.

    Critical thinking is not more important than emotion, you are a fool if you think it is.

    Critical thinking relies on your head not being up your own ass to work, emotion on the other hand taps into a human learned intuition that has successfully gotten humans through innumerable challenges over our long evolutionary history. If it isn’t your emotions that have guided you back to reason and kindness over and over again in your life, your relationship with your emotions is to be frank quite immature and stunted.

    I would go a step further and say what makes the kind of centrism you are defending and leftists like me attack, so dangerous and insidious is it conflates adulthood with lobotomizing the relationship between your emotions and your politics in the pursuit of some logical construction of ideology that becomes more and more empty as it departs from the human condition and is lost in pedantic defenses of the status quo that aren’t salient to people who are suffering and need actual change, not management of the status quo.

    It is my emotions integrated with my politics in constant conversation that makes me able to actually evolve my views to new realities and new information, that is precisely what differentiates someone like me from a stereotypical toxic stereotype of a boomer. My emotions are what nag at my outmoded views, that keep reminding me of inconsistencies in my actions, my emotions are what keep my morale compass oriented and stop me from handwaving away the genocide of Palestinians because the tv news I watch tells me it is ok, they probably deserve to die…

  • Nothing wrong with sounding like a teenager, most teenagers these days are passionate and aware of the stark realities they are entering into adulthood under.

    Sounding like an entitled boomer who blames young people for demanding a future for themselves that isnt a fatal compromise with far right nutjobs driven down their throats by ideologivally bankrupt centrists?

    That unfortunately for you, is the actual cringey behavior.

  • edit ok I was wrong here, I understand what people disagreeing with me are saying

    The top comment on this thread should be an unqualified “Hell yeah!” not speculation over whether she is going to be murdered.

    I am not attacking you, I understand the knee jerk reaction, I am just pointing this out because I think it is true. I also don’t question that you are genuine in your concern, that isn’t what I mean.

    To everyone else on this thread, especially if you are white/European or from the US and are white please don’t joke about the President of Mexico getting assassinated given the history with Mexico and the US (and by extension Europe). It isn’t funny, even when you are being sarcastic.

    Just be happy for Mexico.