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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hey man, what if someone steals this guys stolen art

    Seriously the AI art people are weird. Some guy prompted an AI mouse which became a meme. He then got very upset that the users of the meme weren’t giving him money while suggesting he could copyright it, like the guy who drew the troll face.

    Art thieves afraid their theft will get stolen. Wild world

  • Edit: I’d like to thank you for the kind conversation none-the-less. Even if we disagree, you seem like a chill person

    Right, but other businesses will have gotten the money you would have spent, thus the greater capacity. They will have more business and require more workers.

    Even if they didn’t have this capacity or didn’t increase it, the difference is clear. In both situations the worker is hurt, but in one the employer is hurt too. Why only hurt the employee? Why continue to support the employer by giving them the same amount of money if your objection is moral?

    If you’re still going to support the system, the only benefit to not tipping is a discount taken only from the employee, not the employer.

    Lastly, I call for nothing like that. What I’ve been saying is clear. If you’re going to support fast food, you should be tipping. No moral consumption and all that, I understand we can’t be perfect and support every cause, but my argument is that one should still tip to use this luxery good. Not tipping only hurts the worker. If you don’t tip though, you should understand what you’re doing.

    If you’re reason for not tipping is moral objection to the system, you shouldn’t think you’re doing good by not tipping or that you’re not supporting the system of tipping. You are, the employer who has caused this system to exist is not hurt, you’re just taking money from a worker. That’s all.

    Lastly boycotts rarely work. If we want this to change the best way is through local politics. Get involved, get informed, get things changed. Why do you think all the politicians are dissociative weirdos who do no good for the populace? They have to get a start somewhere, replace them.

    You should still tip though, or minimize/cut out entirely your fast food consumption.

  • Leave to where? What other job? We’re in a job deficit and non fast food places can only hold so many. Currently, when a fast food joint loses workers, they just pile the new work on employees who can’t just leave.

    This idea of “just leave 5-head lol :P” is rather short sighted. They need to eat, they need to pay rent, they can’t just leave.

    Why haven’t they left already with already abysmal wages even including tips? We have a shortage of jobs right now If they all left, or a large enough portion left, then they’ll need new jobs. No other industry has those jobs available currently. They’d lose wages, and have to go back.

    Again, not tipping only hurts the worker, not the employer. Even in your situation the end goal is to hurt the employee so much they leave. Why not hurt the employer instead of only the employee? The only benefit is not paying that 10-15% on your mushroom parmesean chickenburger meal with deluxe fries.

    If the end goal is the same, less workers in the industry which hurts the employer forcing better conditions, you not tipping does little to help while only hurting the employee

    All you accomplish is a cheaper price on your luxary meal. A discount taken solely from the worker with no negative to the employer save for this idea that one day, the employee will walk out to another job that treats them better. A job that, sadly, does not exist

  • This does not force them to pay more. They will simply not pay the employee a greater wage. The employer loses nothing by the employee getting less money here. They only lose if they pay more.

    If everyone just stopped tipping all that would happen is that the workers now have a lower pay. The employers have lost no money, and have no reason to change anything.

    Yes, not paying the fast food joint at all does hurt the worker, but if you’re already ok with doing that why not hurt the employer? They’ll lose money by not paying a reasonable price this way. Unlike with not tipping where nothing is lost.

    Your method hurts only the worker. My method hurts the buisness as well. Only one gives the buisness a reason to change. The buisness does not care about the living situation of an employee

  • If you participate in the system without paying the tip you only hurt the employee.

    They’re not just acting like the rest of the world, the rest of the world has better wage laws. They have a different system.

    Yes, not participating in the system will hurt the same employees, as not tipping does, but not buying fast food also hurts the employers. Unlike buying without tipping which, again, only hurts the workers.

    Once more, if you don’t agree with tipping, not tipping won’t do anything to the system. The only way forward is to not participate. If you think non participation will do nothing, why harm the worker?

    This is alot of moralizing to justify a selfish behavior. Just be honest, you don’t care what what happens to the worker as long as you can get your luxary of fast food slightly cheaper

  • You don’t hurt the people who’ve made tipping a necessity by not tipping. You only hurt the worker. The worker is blamed for not being good enough for the basic amount of money to survive.

    If you want to kill tipping, stop funding the scum who make it needed. Stop eating out. If you must eat out, you accept that doing so has a greater cost than making your own food. Don’t hurt workers while funding, and rewarding, those who exploit them.

    Edit: To clarify my opinion, if you eat out you should tip. If you object morally to the idea of tipping then you shouldn’t fund those who make it a necessity. No moral consumption and all that jazz still applies. You can eat out, but if you’re paying the exploiter, don’t take out your anger on the fellow exploited. Leave a tip

  • Away from pc but from what I remember when you go into the friends window, after clicking the friends button in the bottom right, at the top of the new window there should be an arrow. From the drop down you should see active, away, invisible, and offline. Choose invisible to be able to see your freinds, talk to them, etc. but show up as offline for them.

    Whenever I’m online I get alot 9f requests to play comp on cs2 so it’s helpful when I just want a calm stardew valley evening, or I’m already 5 stacked. It’s not just for porn. I have no idea why you’de buy porn off steam though. That’s a wild idea

  • Never a problem, always a good thing to ask for sources. I’ll admit, I’ve been having a fairly difficult time re-finding all the origional sources however I did get the majority of my information from a guy called Kira on youtube. He goes through the actual documents but, sadly, doesn’t directly link to the docs. I’ll post those links at the end

    Firstly, their admittion to keeping nexons server after being told to shut it down

    Taken from their post here:

    Due to a mandatory remote work policy implemented by Nexon in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the accused member received multiple written authorizations from executive members at Nexon from 2020 to 2021, allowing him to utilize an external personal server to improve the performance of his team (e.g., version control, build machine, and dedicated server). After utilizing the personal servers for almost a year, the accused member asked the leadership if it was ok to continue using his personal servers. The leaders told him to refrain from using the personal servers. The accused member agreed to takedown the servers as long as he could maintain the performance of his team by having his programming team come to the office bypassing the companywide remote work policy.

    The accused member initiated the takedown of the personal servers but, due to the uncertainty of sporadic Covid waves, taking down the server in a quick and exhaustive manner was not a high priority. As a result, some automated scripts related to the build machine were left running on his personal server at this time. When the buildings next to his office were shut down due to confirmed covid cases he took a risk and fully set up his personal servers to aid in development. Since all company machines were monitored using a companywide endpoint solution, the existence and usage of his personal servers, ones that were subject of approvals and re-approvals, must be reasonably known to Nexon over this multi-month period of development. Not a single warning was received from that security team so it was easy to construe it as acknowledgement that his actions were acceptable, otherwise it would mean that Nexon would be failing at taking reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of their assets.

    Shortly after Nexon’s leadership became aware of the accused member’s plans to leave the company, instead of trying to resolve it a professional manner, they abruptly sent the Internal Audit team and accused him of stealing files, despite having observed his personal server being used without notice for several month. Due to harassment and the lack of respect from the company and after consulting with his lawyers, he concluded that his private information on his private servers was not subject to any record so he deleted his information to ensure his privacy.

    Note their arguments for it being OK stem from nexon not taking action sooner, and stating they should have recognized the servers were being used during their tenure. As a developer, I should state that mirroring the entire server is uneeded and very weird to see. Usually, proxying in, using git, and their on site build servers through that proxy is the standard. Also, no, nobodies looking at access logs until there’s an issue. I cannot find nexons responce directly, but it is shown in the following videos

    Here’s some Piped links to the coverage from Kira:
    Looking over lawsuit:
    Full Playlist:

    Once more on youtube if you prefer:
    Looking over lawsuit:
    Full Playlist:

  • That’s not entirely accurate. Not entirely inaccurate either.

    Firstly to clarify, as for the dismissal, it’s due to forum inconvienience. They had to file in Washington though due to the terms of steam that state any conflict must first be brought up in a Washington court.

    Secondly, the suit was for much more than than. The assets weren’t stolen and this was never an accusation. The accusation is that d.a.d used research and development created by Nexon to bypass large amount of work in order to create the game. This included the decision on what assets to use, and how to modify them to fit the game. The evidence on this is strong. This on top of abilities, classes used, weapons and fighting mechanics, magic items, animation style, etc. were one to one matches to their former employers.

    We must acknowledge the founders worked for nexon previous to starting dark and darker and they worked on a game with the exact premise. This is not disputed.

    Thirdly, the guy admitted to stealing company information, agreed to destroy it, and failed to do so while lying about it. They had also, in company emails, messaged other employees about quitting to start a game with the same premise while still working at nexon.

    There’s alot more there and honestly I don’t see a world in which they’re in the right. Still though, fuck nexon, trash company, trash employers. What the d.a.d devs did was wrong, but gladly they did it to a company that deserves it.