It was sarcasm, hoped the smileys were enough but we live in a crazy world
It was sarcasm, hoped the smileys were enough but we live in a crazy world
He was a meanie and very unpresidential and Hillary was disliked (even by me) and people wanted something different. Now he has been shown he will literally go against any advisors and literally tried to overturn the 2020 election results. Literal anti-democratic traitor to america.
Don’t worry there were no wars under Trump last time and there won’t be this time it’s that simple 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
I could understand Trump in 2016. I could also understand Trump in 2020 but much less. In 2024? Nahh… America voted for him in 2024 and I will judge Americans for it.
Big if true
Måske hvis Trump udfører alt han ønsker sker der noget. Han fik ikke så meget igennem sidst.
Jeg har et forfærdeligt håb om at Trump indfører de ting han ønsker og alt det der blev advaret om kommer til at ske, kun for at siga “told you so” og at Amerika vågner op. Det er selvfølgelig ikke i orden. Intellektuelt håber jeg derfor at han ikke får udrette så meget.
Jeg kunne forstå at vælge ham i 2016 (lidt ukendt størrelse og de fleste kunne ikke lide Hillary). De fravalgte ham så i 2020 som gav mig håb. At de nu har valgt ham i 2024…
Jeg har en DYB FORAGT for Amerikanere. Sikke en flok myopiske turbo idioter. Taber land, taber folk.
Jarring reading this as my inner voice goes from singing the song and switching to a riddle-reading voice.
bUt iT DoEsN’T mAtTEr tHey ArE BoTh EqUalLy BaD On pALeStiNe