• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yes, my mom and I own a home together, because she is divorced, and I am legally blind, which makes it a removed to find work. I’m actually doing better than her though because I did not fall into the stupid debt trap with high interest credit cards or student loans and since I’m blind I can’t drive a car so don’t have insurance and a car payment to worry about. So while I am not rich by any means, I actually have more money every single month than she does. Easily. Except for tax time, that is. That time she does have more money than I do, but only for a short time until it gets eaten by the credit cards.

  • Then they fight you…

    The Streisand effect is a real thing. The more they push this narrative, the people who actually think will start to wonder why they are pushing this narrative so hard and take an actual look at the thing.

    Take those scammers for instance. They purposely use bad English and things like that in order to single out people at risk because anybody who knows better will not fall for it and those who do are the victims they actually want.

    The more they mention Monero, the better it is for us and the worse it ends up for them.