It’s possible that people don’t realize what is AI and what is an AI marketing speak out there nowadays.
For a fully automated Her-like experience, or Ironman style Jarvis? That would be rad. But we have not really close to that at all. It sort of exists with LLM chat, but the implementation on phones is not even close to being there.
I listened to his podcast, and he’s clearly trying to appeal across the aisle. Since anti-trans rhetoric has been heavily weaponized, the topic inevitably came up. My takeaway was that trans rights feel distant from most people’s daily lives, or they’re something parents don’t want their young kids exposed to, which can end up pushing some people away.
Overall, I didn’t think it was terrible. The first episode was rough—Gavin seemed unprepared and on the defensive with his guest. The second episode was better since he had a longer history with that guest, making for a smoother conversation. I’m not a fan of him openly seeking advice from Conservatives on running a campaign, but it does offer some insight.
I don’t see any info on this from the sign up page on what it is and product differentiation. So… I’m signing up because I like Kevin Rose…?
That’s 2 triple doubles in there. Amazing
Wow, the Warriors motion offense is back! I didn’t expect Butler to help on that front.
I think this headline is slightly misleading. Here are some better ones:
I’m not a huge fan myself, but he’s getting better every year, similar to Jokic. If the season ended today, he’d probably be front runner because of the team’s record and his individual stats.
Dropping four 50 burgers in a such a short time span is no joke!
What’s nightmare season. If ever there were a thing as basketball karma. AND it’s all unfolded in the last 30 days since the trade.
Kyrie usage has been up since the trade; there’s a flat earth somewhere where he doesn’t get injured because he doesn’t need to be the only scorer.
Let’s not forget the Republican years where they all voted against anything that Obama or Biden tried to pass.