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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • no, you’re just wrong and need to brush up on your English comprehension, believing the Nazis existed (past tense, since the Nazis are an outlawed political party, the group that believes these things are neo-Nazis, since we are being pedantic here) is not the same as believing in their doctrine.

    these are two very different statements, one is about the existence of the Nazis, and this is a view that I take it you do think superior to the idea that Nazis did not in fact exist.

    the other view you mentioned, you did not have is the notion that Nazis are good, hence, to remove the negative, the view that the Nazis are bad, a view that I do hope you think is superior to its counterpart.

  • to believe in something means you must hold the belief that something is superior to all other options.

    as for the abolishment of the government, sure, some want a minarchy instead, the issue is that a weak government is literally as good as none at all, or may even be worse, as for example a government that only cares about policing will just become the paid thugs of the powerful

  • tit-for-tat works in a larger setting as well, in fact it works better because you can ostracize and punish.

    you know, like WHAT IS LITERALLY HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK!? do you think greed-flation just happened out of nowhere?

    but no, like every libertarian, you propose the destruction of regulation because you promise yourself that somehow people will be better off if they need to waste their lives on crap. “you didn’t put weeks of research into the three bio-med testing labs to ensure they wouldn’t lie about the insulin, I guess you should die now, lol”, and you know how I can tell you’re an American? BECAUSE LITERALLY NO NE ELSE HAS THIS ISSUE. yes, this issue is entirely an American thing because you’re the main drivers of the deregulation and reactionary enforcement that has lead to insulin costing you $500 for a 2-week supply, and your reaction is to make the US into more of a banana republic by destroying the goverment even more.