This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
I have a trauma-based personality disorder, which sometimes manifests itself in episodes of often uncontrollable bouts of verbal violence. I prefer to direct this to people on the internet (as opposed to actual people), as I don’t wish to be violent towards people I actually care about.
This being inane, asinine and banal at the same time must be a personal best for the maker of this comic
Yeah, okay sure. Let’s leave it at that. This seems like playing chess with a pigeon etc.
I’m not seeing how I’m a cunt.
There’s your problem.
If you empathize with them, then why are you being such a fucking cunt? In my eyes that’s even worse than not being able to empathize, that’s just being a fucking cunt.
Are you for real? :D I can see now you haven’t accepted yourself for who you are, as you cannot see the fault in yourself here. But maybe saying “you are an inconsiderate asshole” is wrong, as I don’t even know you, but rather that you constantly come across as an inconsiderate asshole. Like did you at all stop to think how your “advice” (that you so graciously have gifted the OOP with) might be perceived by someone in their position? Can you at all place yourself into “their shoes” so to say and gauge how your actions (or rather words in this case) might make them feel? It’s ok if you don’t, I can’t do that always, but I acknowledge that as a personal shortcoming.
Yeah I’d say you’re just being an inconsiderate asshole here. Then again, I have this feeling you get that a lot and you’ve just accepted yourself as who you are.
'merica - fuck yeah
Comin’ in to save the motherfucking day-yeah
in terms of fact checking the correct writing in German… nope
Yeah, I realized that after posting. I’m just mad at the moment, excuse my violent fantasies for a bit. What I tried to say is: what does it matter what this random old dude thinks of anything regarding anything to do with morality or conscience? He is the head of the worst institution in the last 2000 years or so grace the rest of us with their presence, whose only contributions to society is the stifling of progress, endless wars waged in the name of their imaginary friend because someone else (usually brown people) believe in THE SAME FUCKING IMAGINARY FRIEND, and the protection of child-rapists and other abusing vermin. Oh how I long for the day when the basilica of st. peter burns to the ground along with their corrupt institution.
So is raping altar boys, though…
Going through this the posting history of this user, I have a hunch he plays by the alt-right playbook. Which reminded me of a video I saw recently with such a term in the title, and an entire playlist of such:
Also, while interacting online with creatures such as this user, I think it is important to always remember: don’t feed the trolls. Now with the alt-right trolls, such as with AI-bots, they’ve learned to mimic human ways enough to fool you into believing you are speaking with an actual rational human being, and it is easy to be lured into a fruitless argument with someone who plays by a different ruleset than you. But remember! DON’T FEED THE TROLLS.