My primary responsibility is to the animal I am caring for, who has no choice but to eat what I give them.
You might be happy to know we have replaced her afternoon duck stick with a carrot.
My primary responsibility is to the animal I am caring for, who has no choice but to eat what I give them.
You might be happy to know we have replaced her afternoon duck stick with a carrot.
Having read a lot around this, and even just beyond the headline of the linked article, please be cautious with your furry friends.
The actual stance is “possible, but not recommended”
I’ve come to the conclusion that although I’m going to try and reduce my meat intake with a view to a complete switch to more sustainable options, I’m not going to mess with my dogs diet.
If a peer-reviewed study from an actual canine dietitian comes to light which confirms a plant based diet product is at least as healthy as a meat based diet, I’m happy to change my mind.
I was so convinced Stardew Valley had ads and micro transactions I had to look it up, but no ads no MT.
Everything I found was positive, it may be the last bastion of cute and positive gaming.
This guy I swear is looking at my internet search history… The closers most popular around here are the sprung chains in a cylinder hidden in the hinge style. Not sure they have close/latch speed options though. I need to sort out my garage and stairs fire doors, as they are currently always held open by a fire extinguisher (for irony) and a stuffed dog respectively.
Maybe, but if you are a disgusting human being anyway you may as well do everything they want and they might give you another 10k next year.
Yeah - I’m going to get around to it one of these days… it’s only £100, so as long as I get it back before Tesla goes bankrupt I think I’m good.
I still have a deposit on this thing, but as I’m in a RHD country with European safety standards I don’t think it will ever be produced.
I’m not considering any Tesla for my next car and I was a huge fanboy up until about 2020, but musk has made it clear he doesn’t want my business, so I’ll leave him to his new MAGA customers.
I’m also waiting to see how he’s going to get out of all those free Roadsters he promised to all the referral collectors.
I’m all for supporting the underdog who probably doesn’t have a chance… so I’m considering going back to Twitter.
I had an instinct it would be there
Holding on to my X, hoping the app support for iOS 16 continues.
This is true, I remember one colleague who loved his car more than anything, had it as his desktop background, and went to car shows at weekends.
On his birthday during lunch we filled it with happy birthday balloons, floor to ceiling and watched out the window as he tried to work out what to do with them, how to get in and get home. I think that was the last time I truly laughed at work.
He came in to get some scissors to burst the balloons and called us bastards, but he was laughing just as much as we were.
It’s demeaning and ruining her greatest achievement in life by being shit colleauges. It immediately sets the relation between her and other astronauts and basically tells her that her only worth is cooking.
I’m assuming they had all worked together for some years previously, did it really ruin this achievement? Did it ruin their working relationship? Or are you projecting how you would feel, or how you think she should feel?
She was the first person to weld in space, I think as far as breaking stereotypes go, you can’t really top that.
I suppose I see this as a joke about stereotypes to the one person in the world (or off the world) that it applies to least, rather than sexism.
I read that she replied “I assumed you would be doing the cooking”, and they joked back “don’t worry, we’ll make you something”, to me it just seems like colleagues joking around that we are all reading too much into 40 years later.
Could you let me know what the problem is with my take?
Not trying to troll, the downvotes for my post and upvotes for yours tell me I’ve got the bad take here, just genuinely trying to see how specifically I’ve got it wrong.
With a modern mindset of expectations in the workplace and the level of work and talent required for anyone to become a cosmonaut then this would be an instant dismissal for those involved, it simply would not happen today as expectations of professionalism are made crystal clear.
Outside of simple wordplay (dad jokes) humour and inside jokes in the workplace are now almost completely inappropriate.
If I had gone to a space station with an all female crew and they handed me a full trash bag, and a toolbox and told me to get to work I’d find it hilarious. I guess you have to know your audience when it comes to jokes, and the threat of it becoming an ‘HR issue’ means workplaces have less fun and laughter than they used to.
Maybe I’m just an out of touch millennial.
Someone keeps downvoting every factual post I make about Hydrogen, I’m guessing they work for an oil lobby or something… but I’m just wondering what they are downvoting?
Something I thought about is that I have more charging points for an EV in the Lounge I’m sitting in, than there are Hydrogen charge points in the whole UK.
Well I last looked a couple of years ago and there were three in the UK, I found one source that says there are 14 but half of them are offline and in places like Universities.
An impressive 1 for every 18,736 miles of road, and a working one for every 37,471 miles.
I wonder how far you can get on a full tank?
I nearly did. this on my last car. A really good tip.
True, but if I went to buy the same car again the discounts would be really big in comparison to the EV equivalent.
The title is misleading, this is new legalisation, the current amount that has to be refunded is £0.
It’s in consultation, £415k would be nice… but £85k is still better than nothing, and will fully protect the vast majority of fraud victims.