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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • your joke is someone says ‘dont vote’ and you read it as ‘kys’. Dont fool yourself into thinking those who stand against you are fools, we dont agree, does that make me a fool?

    I’m trying to tell you not to make jokes where anyone tells anyone else to kill themselves, and especially not to do it about marginalised groups, being trans doesnt give you a pass to do this. Galaxybrain move.

    I am trans, i wouldnt vote for joe biden, or any democrat. if someone tells you to kys report them and block them. Go outside. There is more important work to do than memeing for joe biden you dweeb. If someone says ‘hey dont vote for x’ or ‘hey i wont vote for x’ you can still vote, have fun, talk to people in the line, and tell them i said ‘hi’.

    I’m not here to debate you, I’m calling your shit ‘hexbear hates trans people’ out. go outside.

    Enjoy your election. Trans liberation will not be won through reform.

    https://www.workers.org/book/lavender-red/ 🌈

  • Russia is not at war with NATO, NATO is not a country, NATO’s demands of 2% spending on military does nothing to de-escalate the situation, NATO membership for ukraine was used as a partial justification for the russian invasion, and it has been clarified that ukraine was never getting in

    NATO is a front established to counter communism by the rabid imperialist american empire, if the united states had an interest in sheathing their sabres NATO would be dismantled

    the united states has at this point agreed to send more money to ukraine than was sent during the marshall plan (marshal was later given a nobel peace prize for his work combatting communism rebuilding democracy)

    have fun dying in a trench when you get called up, be a good lad and run along now, your spilled blood will line the pockets of american arms executives