Lemme give you some hopium from the trenches in NC. Source: I am the elected chair of my precinct in a purple NC county. We are seeing volunteers signing up and turning out on the ground in numbers not seen since 2008. My precinct was not organized for the past few years. In 2022 there was 6% voter outreach. As of today, we’ve achieved 83% and our county chair sent a shout out yesterday to say a lot of others are keeping pace. Tricia Cotham’s little maneuver really pissed a lot of folks off. Not to mention Mark Robinson is a lunatic. If you want to get connected to write postcards or knock doors, hmu!
I straight up walked out of a date once bc someone tried to hide voting for trump
Big facts. My friend is an ob/gyn. We’re in NC, on paper we don’t have a total ban but in practice it amounts to one. He’s currently commuting to VA to work because he doesn’t want to get sued, prosecuted, or watch patients almost die before he can treat them. shakes head
pops a lactaid you sonofaremoved, I’m in
‘EXEMPT’. there’s no cap on salaried employees
Personally I’ve had numerous cervical biopsies (as in they cut chunks out of you with the devil’s scissors) and the standard of care is no numbing agent or pain medication of any kind. The dr said to give a yell if I was going to faint bc that happens a lot. I asked why I couldn’t have something and they were like, ‘dunno. We just don’t do that’
There was a documented case of a nurse stealing pain medication and injecting women with saline to cover for it and it took years for her to be caught because no one believed the women who said they were in pain. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/podcasts/serial-the-retrievals-yale-fertility-clinic.html&ved=2ahUKEwi1n93Yip2FAxWONlkFHStzA7wQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw23_e6wsBLQ7jybQBvuJOvI
Porn sites should put up an interstitial telling folks to vote before they can view 🤣