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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • gerdesj@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlProblems with Arch upgrade
    19 days ago

    What on earth went wrong?

    Arch is just as safe as any other distro, sometimes more so. Being a rolling jobbie, smaller bits tend to break at a time. If you want to live life on the edge then Gentoo is your man but even Gentoo is becoming pretty safe. You might lose your windowing system for a while but you still have links2 to get to a search engine.

  • “Every subsystem is a private fiefdom, subject to the whims of each one of Linux’s 1,700+ maintainers, almost all of whom have a dog in this race. It’s herding cats”

    There are three similes in that quote. When your considerations are that disorganized, you have not finished thinking everything through. Fiefdoms, dogs and cats … oh my! That’s on top of wild west and other trite, well worn and rather silly similes.

    Make your argument without recourse to inflammatory terminology and similes and you slighten the risk of pissing people off.

    Clarity is in the eye of the beholder or as someone once said: “You do you”.

  • If the boy has a gaming rig, then he also has a CAD workstation.

    I managed to get a dodgy copy of AutoCAD 2 running on my 80286 with an 80287 maths co pro that I persuaded my parents to buy me for Chrimbo. Sadly, it was a bit shite. The next version of AutoCAD needed a 32 bit machine with 32 MB (yes MB) of RAM. That was way out of my league.

    Depending on the age of the boy and given how long the little darlings are tending to hang around these days, a constructive bribery system in lieu of rent or pocket money enhancement might be in order 8)