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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The two major issues he’s highlighting is the border and gaza. I can’t for the life of me understand why THOSE are the issues his campaign has settled on. Well, I guess I understand israel because of the money groups like APAC bring in… but still it’s become really toxic among the base (even with most republicans at this point). And the border… like the fuck… we lambasted Trump for kids in cages and biden has decided that we should continue that policy and double down on it?

    The only way he’s winning a second term is if somehow Trump voters have lost their motivation and devotion to him. Otherwise this election is really not looking good.

    There are so many popular issues that also make trump look terrible that biden could run on. Abortion, climate change, hating nazis, raising the minimum wage, expanding workers rights, LGBT rights, the actions of the FTC to reign in big business. He’s got so many talking points to really be effective against trump and he’s instead doing Hillary’s campaign strategy of “Well yeah, look at that guy?”.

  • The hostility towards EVs is misplaced, likely due to both musk being a shithead and tons of misleading articles about how terrible they are. Over their lifetime, EVs have far less emissions than any other vehicle. It’s not even close. Certainly there are better alternatives like public transport (which isn’t available everywhere) or cycling (which isn’t doable by everyone). However, in a car society, EVs are just about the best we can do.

    As for the food restrictions, they are just not that common. Most people have access to and can tolerate rice and beans which are a complete protein set. As for vitamins the vast majority are found in high quantities in common plants (such as spinach). About the only thing to watch out for is B12 deficiency. Combatting that, however, does not require meat with every meal.

    Certainly it’d be better if more variety and tasty plants were available. However, because plants are a staple to cuisine they are everywhere. If you look at the actual meat in your diet you’ll find it’s almost always served with a load of plant based food surrounding it.

    I’m sympathetic with the difficulties going full vegan and am open to the notion that it’s not possible for everybody. However, that does not mean that it’s not an achievable diet for most people.

  • There’s also so many issues that are way more popular that the Democrats are flubbing on by focusing on the fucking border of all things.

    Abortion, climate change, cost of living, housing costs, medical costs, ect. It’s a limitless field of popular problems that need fixing and instead of focusing on any of them, the hill they are dying on is funding and arming ICE? In the wake of calls for police reform, they want to empower some of the worst most fascist cops in the US?

    These old dog Democrats are the dumbest most of of touch politicians out there.

  • Not fucking good, the bill is hot garbage and the fact that so many Senate Democrats and Biden support it is an embarrassment.

    It’s a bill criminalizing a non-problem that creates a worse issue than what it “solves”. We don’t need or benefit from a more militaristic boarder and xenophobic/racist rhetoric about people crossing.

    This garbage kills people and promotes human trafficking. The bill Democrats should be supporting is loosening the boarder and opening pathways to citizenship. We don’t need more detention centers to separate children from their families.

    This bill is the same as if the Democrats put up an anti abortion bill just to show that the Republicans don’t care about stopping abortions. Democrats implementing Republican’s fascist policies is not what we need. Not even as a “gotcha”.

  • Nope.

    A pardon stops all punishment from the judicial system. You don’t have to plead guilty and criminal proceedings stop. A pardon further undoes any legal handicap (for example, you can own firearms again).

    That said, if you accept a pardon you can’t plead the fifth when it comes to details related to the crime you’ve committed.

    There’s also a commutation, which is weaker than a pardon. Instead of having the crime fully forgiven you are simply let out of jail with the understanding you committed the crime and must face follow up consequences (like not being able to own firearms).

    Finally, there are also conditional pardons. Those are ones where the president could impose a “you must plead guilty” style rule before the pardon can be applied. He could also apply a rule that says “you must perform 10 jumping jacks”.

    Pardon powers are some of the most broad we have in the US.

    About the only limitation is you can’t pardon for future crimes.