I feel this as well. Being a principled communist is the most isolating thing in capitalist society. The only thing I’ve learned is the same thing I’ve learned when I was pursuing different hobbies – the only way to not isolate yourself is find friends within the hobby you have a interest in rather than try to convert friends into your hobby as it is almost impossible to get them interested if they aren’t already. The advantage of communism though is it is much more than a hobby and can relate to everyone, so there is some hope that others will come around if the movement becomes larger.
A frequent issue i see with “apolitical” people is that in reality they reinforce the status quo (ruling political ideology) and they are hostile to any effort to try to circumvent it because it’s seen as political and they’re against any politics. It’s sort of a deadlock because they arent aware of just how political they are actually being by doing nothing.