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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Now you’ve gotten your inventory counts off. There’s also a (marginal) cost difference between the two size cartons. Of course, this needs to be balanced against customer satisfaction- there will be a non-zero number of customers who won’t want the upsell or to buy an alternative item, and so the question is how much business would you lose vs how much money you’d make offset with the extra time and corporate headache of reconciling inventory?

    Not that Sonic shouldn’t do this, just throwing out some real-world considerations.

  • Re: 1, the concept of church/state separation is espoused by the First Amendment, if not explicitly stated as such. But as has been made clear, Roberts’ SCOTUS has yet to miss a case dismantling that wall.

    Re: 2, SCOTUS has held that amendments only apply to Congress unless they have been incorporated via the 14th out to the states. The First Amendment’s restriction on state-endorsed religion was incorporated in a case from 1947 called Everson vs. Board of Education which means that if Congress can’t create an official government religion, state legislatures can’t either. Of course, what one SCOTUS decides another can overturn, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Roberts’ activist Court to remove the concept of incorporation altogether.

  • Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal: “Mr Trump can’t come off as unhinged or enraged. The words ‘rigged election’ shouldn’t pass his lips. He has to keep his cool and can’t make it all about himself.”

    In other words, Trump has to be literally anyone other than himself. He might be able to refrain from lying about “rigged elections” but there’s no chance in hell he doesn’t come across as unhinged or making everything about himself.

    Which won’t matter at all to Republicans, cause they’re a god damned cult.