I think the common shared experience of all of us is none of us can tell with absolute sure what triggers it, but we all naturally look for patterns.
In my experience the pain after the aura sometimes happens, sometimes not. But it’s usually not severe anyway, just an annoying constant headache that lasts for a while (hours) after that.
Curious, because in Portuguese it’s “extrOvertido.” But I just learned the Spanish spelling can be both “extravertido” and “extrovertido.”
I think it’s more like a pattern observed in many of the blog posts about the reasons ex-employees left Google after a while.
Still it’s a positive net balance for the planet if it happens this way. But I think the “plastic safety” (in a food sense) would also end?
It also impresses me that there’s bacteria eating metal under the sea.
Ever since I realized TikTok creates a unique share URL that tells the person you’re the one sharing it, I became paranoid with any social media share links that are created dynamically. I won’t share them unless I try them out first.