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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • what else do I get with something like CARROT that the default doesn’t offer

    More control over what data is highlighted as the primary metrics at the top of the report (or on widgets).

    Where I live the actual temperature and “feels like” temperature are often really far apart. Apps like Carrot can be configured to show “feels like” as the main temperature, but Apple only shows it if you scroll down all the way down past a bunch nearly useless stats like the sunset time (spoiler, it will be the same as yesterday) and how the current temperature compares to the historical average.

    Also, I live near the beach and want to know the tides. That’s almost more important than the temperature.

  • It sounds like it should work to me.

    As an example, as a kid I couldn’t play first person video games until game developers worked out they need something in a fixed position taking over a significant portion of the screen (for example, a steering wheel in a car or the gun you’re holding in a shooter).

    Turn those fixed overlays off, and after just playing for a few seconds I’ll be sick the rest of the day. If anything I’m even more sensitive now than when I was a kid - but with the right overlays I’m all good.

    I’d bet Apple did a lot of research into motion sickness while developing the Vision Pro headset. Good to see some of that coming to other products.

  • Putting my developer hat on and reading various reports - this smells like Apple had a really bad data loss bug which they quietly fixed by attempting to automatically recover lost photos from some corner of the database that still might have the data. Such as the thumbnail database or a cache.

    Backups people. Make sure you have good backups and for your most precious photos not just digital ones - print them. And send a physical copy to your grandparents as a gift - they’ll love it and it will be one more place you can recover that photo of your kid’s birthday if you ever need to

    And if you don’t want something in a photo… don’t take the photo.

  • Bus beats the pants off light rail in just about every respect you can think of

    Um, no. The only reason I would ever set foot on a bus is if there was no rail option.

    It’s quickly scalable up and down

    It really isn’t.

    it can be rerouted on a whim

    I was on a bus that was rerouted once - when a road closed unexpectedly. We were 10 minutes drive from home, and the new route took us 20 minutes in the opposite direction, we waited 30 minutes for a bus that could drop us off 45 minutes walk from home. Including the original bus trip it was about three hours and by the time we got home we were dangerously dehydrated (we had water with us, but not three hours worth).

    The ability to reroute buses is not a positive attribute. It sucks.

    it doesn’t require additional road or electrical infrastructure to operate

    Yeah it does. You need bus stops. Bus lanes. And these days you need totally do need electrical infrastructure — according to my city, the total cost to the tax payer for diesel vs electric works out to $70,000 per bus if it’s electric… and that includes spending a fortune on electrical infrastructure upgrades to be able to charge those huge batteries. Batteries a train doesn’t need because they would never go hours between charging the train.

    Spare parts are plentiful and the parts economy is competitive, maintenance overheads are lower, the fleet is amenable to reuse in non-PT contexts, etc.

    I don’t really see how busses are that different from trains. Pretty much the only difference is metal wheels vs rubber wheels. I would think the metal ones last longer.

    Ultimately, a bus is always slower than driving. Light rail, on the other hand, is often faster than driving.

  • it’s all CGI

    Crushing the industry I work in, and my dad worked in, is CGI? I’m pretty sure that’s very real.

    I love listening to digital music on as much as anyone. More than most people. But it will never replace physical instruments for me and I don’t like to see a company celebrating that transition - even if I admit it’s very much real.

    I think the world was a better place when all 50 people on a train carriage listened to the one musician who brought a guitar onto the train and called out asking them to sing a favourite song next.

  • Some of us don’t like watching beloved musical instruments destroyed. We also don’t like how so many people think watching TikTok on an iPad is “music”.

    When my father died, my sister didn’t give a shit about the house. She just wanted the guitar - which our father (a drummer) inherited when the lead guitarist in his band died. The guitarist had two dozen guitars but was his favourite.

    It’s close to a century old, nobody knows what trade secrets the luthier who created it used to get that sound, and no other instrument sounds the same. It’s been used on stage in countless live performances on every continent in the world and has been used to record over a hundred songs in professional recording studios. It was used to play music at the funeral of both the previous owners and it’s literally impossible to replace.

    I get it, not every instrument is that special… but this instrument wasn’t that special either when the first guitarist ever picked it up. Nearly all instruments have the potential to become that special… and Apple created a video dedicated to destroying a bunch of them while also implying that listening to an MP3 is as good as an actual instrument. No way.

  • Apple Music is very good (and you don’t need an iPhone). For me at least it recommends good songs, but even better you don’t need to use those. There are extensive playlists that are manually curated by experts - for example Aussie Pub Rock is a hundred song playlist that is regularly updated by their team of editors.

    Audio quality also tends to be better on Apple Music. They encourage recording studios to produce a “Mastered for iTunes” mix and have strict quality controls as well as training for the recording studio to make sure they do a good job. You won’t find anything amateur with that label but even for professional massive artists I think they sound better there too - because Mastered for iTunes tracks are intended to be listened to with relatively neutral speakers/headphones (the only kind Apple sells) while a lot of other services have professionally mixed sound tracks designed for bass heavy speakers that so many people have nowadays out side of Apple’s walled garden. I find I often need to boost the base to get good sound from Spotify/YouTube Music/etc because they assume your speakers will do that for you.

    The difference isn’t subtle - I’m not talking about a 256 vs 320 Kbps encoding difference. The same song from a major artist (e.g. Taylor Swift) will often sound totally different on Apple Music. Wether it sounds “better” depends on your speakers, but with my speakers (which are not from Apple), they do sound better. A lot better.

    But personally I’ve gone back to just buying music. The idea that I’ll pay who knows what ever month for the rest of my life… no thanks.

    I’ll jump on YouTube occasionally to discover new music, but i’m not paying for it (Apple Music, sadly, has no free tier… but it does have a free trial).

  • I get where you’re coming from, and I understand what the artist was trying to do.

    But for me allowing this to go all the way to a courtroom was crossing a line. The judge and everyone else working there have important shit to do, including cases where people’s actual lives are being ruined by discrimination, and they shouldn’t have to waste time participating in anything like this.

    There’s a time and a place for artwork and protests. A courtroom is not one of them.

    Also, I think it was counterproductive. If you want misogynist dickheads to change their ways, you don’t do it by overcorrecting too far in the other direction. This has just made them even more passionate and even less likely to treat women fairly