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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • TheObviousSolution@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    16 hours ago

    Wait a minute … does this mean Jesus was undead!? Of course, it all makes sense now!

    40 And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was. 41 Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” 42 And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement. 43 And he strictly charged them that no one should know this, and told them to give her something to eat. 44 Preferably brains.

  • What? They did have onboard sound. The problem is that if you used the motherboard speaker to make anything more decent than a beep, you basically needed to build an entire sound engine from scratch and very few games did so. It also wasn’t worthwhile because a shitty two pin speaker could not compare to the speakers of a professional sound system which you needed the soundcard to hook up into, and CPU bandwidth was such a limitation back then than even when games could play WAV they would use MIDI to offload the musical instrument synthesizing for the soundtracks to the sound card. Designing a game that used the onboard sound speaker was basically the realm of assembly hacking geniuses.

  • No, no, you see, because she grew up as a Poo Person she now understand the world from their point and realizes how much they’ve been abused, so she pledges to lead and create a new society because it all turns out to have been a big misunderstanding. Then Poo People learn magitek and we get a sequel with the spin that now they are the oppressors, followed by a movie adaptation that completely ends up killing a cult classic.

  • Happened to me with an even bigger instance because of an asshole admin making shit up. A solution might be to divide up the host of the user comments versus the moderator agents versus receiver of the comments. If your host bans you, that’s it, but if the receiver bans you, that only affects their users, and if a moderator agent group bans you, that only bans you from their distribution group of moderator agents but could be read by other groups.

    If a community / group-of-moderator-agents-under-a-community-tag-for-a-particular-host bans you, you’d have to find another groups of moderator agents or accept all that are allowed by your host. Accepting all allowed by your host could only realistically exclude the worst offenders - spammers, doxxers, etc - so you’d really be incentivized to find a better block of moderator agents if you want to avoid certain types of comments. People who want to live in a bubble could live in a bubble but people who want to prioritize the greatest participation would try to find the most lenient host and the most lenient moderation agents, at least to their particular sensitivities.

    It would be a truer federated model, but this is not lemmy as it is.

  • I don’t think the problem is the lack of real progressiveness, I think the problem is with an attempt to gaslight it from both extremes. Just got banned from worldnews (again) on completely gaslit reasons because of criticism I was making against the Act.IL remnants operating over there. Downvoting into oblivion isn’t enough for them anymore.

    I’ve also noticed comparable instances of shadow removals from the other side of the coin in [email protected] where they similarly gaslit their reasons. I’ve sort of decided if both sides are going to be this putrid, then I’m going to step out of their propaganda wars, and gotta say, the Mossad side is rapidly losing ground regardless of the advantage they might have had.

  • “It’s too complex, can’t do anything about it!” I swear, the moment people saw the crypto industry being able to ignore fiscal laws and responsibility because of shiny objects in the form of algorithm complexity is the moment they realized they could do it in other IT fields like AI.

    Even if Microsoft doesn’t look at your data because it is encrypted and only the AI can look at it, the AI is still training on it. I haven’t seen anything about Microsoft keeping their paws out of your locally trained AI which essentially can localize anything they wanted to look into your data for within its neural networks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s loaded onto the cloud because of “support” and “improvement research”.