• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • /rant

    I know both candidates and their positions. Don’t particularly like either candidate. Really dislike one of them. And I haven’t seen anyone host an actual, honest to god political debate in my life, and no, the final season of West Wing doesn’t count.

    All that being true, why the blazes would I have watched this one? My entire life, debates have only ever been excuses to put the candidates up on a stage see which one looks prettier, and shout sound bites into a microphone. That’s not a debate, that’s a campaign ad. And I’m tired of them.

    I would really like our nation to get back to a point where I can feel comfortable voting for the candidate whose policies I actually think are the best instead of having to vote against the candidate that I think will actually destroy the country.


  • I use Jellyfin. I think in your use case, each user would be setup have their own library. You can enable or disable library on a per user basis as will as a per client basis.

    Downside is that the default web interface isn’t great as a music player. It does the job but it’s not great.
    Other hand, multiple music-first clients exist for a lot of different platforms. Odds are good you can find a client that suits how you listen to music.

    Edit: said collection when I meant library.

  • @tal has already given a really good answer. To add to it, this thread might help you some: https://lemmy.sdf.org/comment/11963996 I was asked what I thought was “better” than a raspberry pi. Came back with an eBay search and a trio of suggestions in the price range of a Pi 4. TLDR is whatever you have currently will probably work fine but if you need to buy hardware, there are plenty of low cost options. And of course, Pi’s also work fine for anything they are capable of, which is most things.

    When I started self hosting, Raspberry Pi’s were the cheapest option available. I learned fairly quickly that the SD card was the weakest part of them but not long after the Pi3 came out we were able to boot off of USB drives which solved that issue. I think I had 8 SSDs hanging off of one pi before I finally decided to plop down the money for a tower. I then added a pair of 6 port SATA cards and added even more storage to that system. Eventually I was hosting so many things that I was running out of RAM, So I bought a second used tower, this one with a much newer processor and a lot more RAM. Now I run both with the old system running as a NAS and the new system hosting my other services. I wouldn’t stress about hardware too much. Hardware can grow with you, to a point.

    Mini PCs are too small to house internal drives

    Most mini PCs I’ve heard of (and quite a few thin clients) use m.2 drives for internal storage. Not difficult to upgrade. I’ve also heard of a few that had ports and internal space for 2.5 inch SSDs.

  • It’s not difficult to self host. Pretty light on resources. Documentation on how to do so could use some work though. I believe I used a docker image to get up and running.

    The main reason I personally don’t allow public signups on my instance is that US law is rather chaotic. If section 230 gets cancelled or repealed I don’t want to be held responsible for what some random person chose to write. It may not be a big risk at the moment but I don’t have the mental bandwidth to deal with it.

  • I don’t think it started as a proxy war. Russia just decided to be stupid, but at this point it may very well be a proxy war in fact.

    It’s to pretty much everyone’s benefit (except Ukraine’s) for this to drag out for a nice long time. The more manpower and material Russia and their allies burns up in this stupidity, the longer the rest of Europe can breath freely. It gives them time to rebuild the armies that they have allowed to atrophy. There’s probably more to it and it’s callus as fuck, but that’s the math I see.