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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • There is no justification for the shooting. Failure to follow orders and shouting obscenities, even while carrying a weapon, doesn’t justify murder by police. This is another case of their blatant incompetence/malice when dealing with any tense situation.

    In a just society, a cops job would be able to de-escalate and resolve the problem as cleanly as possible and with as little use of violence as possible. We don’t live in a just society though, so the cops just shot him and lied saying he aimed a gun at them to justify their murder. Meanwhile, white mass shooters are taken alive and given Burger King for their effort if they hurt the right people.

  • Grocery stores dump hundred of pound of still edible food into the garbage each and every day. And no one is eating less because of thefts from the grocery store. The main reason people are starving right now is because their grocery bill spiked and extra $100-200 for absolutely no reason other than pure greed that they were able to blame on “inflation”.

    Your problem isn’t with the addicts, its with the system that is ever antagonistic towards its people. Addicts can be hard people to deal with, but they’re still people. Now obviously if they’re acting violently there’s no excuse for action like that. But if they’re just taking food why should I care?

  • If people are stealing for drugs then it means that the system in place isn’t meeting their current needs. The problem for a lot of addicts is that they either steal and cheat for drugs or die. Withdrawals literally have the capability to kill addicts. I don’t believe in any circumstance we should be holding money ahead of human lives.

    It’s a shame when people are stolen from, but it’s a tragedy when people die. And a system that doesn’t allow an avenue for actual recovery is a failed system.