SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]

Some leftist

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2020

  • Democratic consultants for swing seat candidates are increasingly anxious that a well-organized campaign by conservatives to sink a proposed state constitutional amendment on abortion could hurt the party’s candidates in battleground seats.

    For now, top New York Democrats are not planning to open up their coffers to respond to those attacks.

    The unwillingness to spend has some party operatives concerned state Democratic leaders are failing to effectively counter an opposition that has seized on the amendment’s expansive language pledging rights for LGBTQ+ people. The so-called equality amendment would ban discrimination against “gender identity” and “pregnancy outcomes,” adding to current constitutional protections for race and religion.

    Perfectly content with being losers, same as always

    …An opposition group, Coalition to Protect Kids-NY, has organized rallies and news conferences in recent weeks to highlight its concerns. The events have not focused on abortion but have aired claims the amendment’s language would enable mixed-gender sports…

    Republican candidates for the House and state Legislature warn the amendment would lead to trans people playing in women’s sports or weaken statutory rape laws — claims supporters of the amendment have said are false and amount to fearmongering.


    One Democratic consultant who has reviewed internal polling found voters in battleground House districts are susceptible to the argument that the amendment would harm kids. Voters generally support abortion rights and the rights of LGBTQ+ people, the polling found.

    “But if you add in the far-right talking points about this — boys competing in girls’ sports — support erodes quickly, and in these swing districts it can dampen the enthusiasm for the candidates who are running on a support position,” said one Democrat who reviewed the data and was granted anonymity to speak frankly about the internal polling.

    It should be considered self defense to REDACTED conservative politicians and pundits.

  • Holy SHIT the article to go with it LMAO

    Again, this motherfucker lives in DENVER

    As I was about to leave Israel after my last trip in February, I posted on Instagram, “Golda Meir famously said that Israel has a secret weapon: We have nowhere else to go.”

    And @jeanade5 responded: “Okay, but you have the whole world to go to just like everyone else on the planet.

    @jeanade5, I generally don’t respond to hateful comments but I assume yours is not spiteful, just uninformed. Unfortunately, throughout our long history, including today, Jews cannot just go anywhere else like everyone else on the planet…

    Jews don’t feel the same sense of security to go wherever they please in the world, which is why we need a place to call home when our current home outside of Israel is becoming increasingly inhospitable. As Martin Luther King said, “Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be a reality.”…

    Today in America, more and more Jews are getting the message that we are not welcome here…

    There are 27 official Muslim countries and 33 official Christian countries in the world, but only one Jewish state. Only one place where Jews can always have a home no matter how the tides shift in our host countries. It doesn’t mean that no one else has the right to be there. Rather, it assures that the Jewish People, who have been expelled more times than we can count, always have a place to return…

    So @jeanade5, we do not have the “whole world to go to just like everyone else on the planet.”