• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You could do the virtual theater thing with your phone and Google Daydream like 8 years ago. It sucked then, and it’s no different now. Gimmicky tech is all it is. Unless they drop a true game changing VR game or something, it’s gonna join the club with meta quest and the rest of VR / AR devices. People will use it a handful of times thinking eh that’s kinda cool, then put it in a drawer to let it collect dust. I’ll happily eat my words if im wrong in 5 years, but I sincerely doubt these will take off. Apple is not going to drop price. Look at iPhone, they only ever went up in price.

  • One of my close friends from college went deep down the fat acceptance rabbit hole shortly after college. I had to unfollow her on social media. She went from being a slightly overweight girl to a morbidly obese woman. She had a podcast she’d promote saying things like it’s ok to eat cake for breakfast if you want it; weight is just a number and all kinds of asinine things.

    My weight has fluctuated over the years, but any time I’m putting on weight, I know it’s unhealthy and I need to start going to the gym and eating better. Seeing her posts would drive me up the wall. She had one where she said something about how the gym is toxic, and you’re just fine the way you are, and you can be healthy without exercising. She also was selling some plus size clothing pyramid scheme and claimed to be a model for the company. I don’t think it was a defense mechanism, just another ridiculously bad side effect of echo chambers on social media.