PKMKII [none/use name]

Bio? You expect me to fill out a bio? Nice try, FBI.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Whatever utilitarianism may be in theory, in practice, it just trains people to think like bureaucrats who belive themselves to be impartial observers of society (not true), holding power over the lives of others for the sake of the common good.

    Yeah that’s the problem. It’s fine in the abstract, but the moment rubber hits the road the question of “who gets to decide what the best utility is” throws a wrench in the work. Similar to “we should have a system where the most qualified candidate gets hired.”

    It doesn’t help that the most prominent critique of utilitarianism is the Nietzschean “you’re holding back the ubermensches!” one, which is problematic on so many levels. So libs hear “utilitarianism has problems” and they immediately assume the person is a Randite sociopath.

  • Silicon Valley, and really the tech industry as a whole, is living on a historical vision of itself that doesn’t exist anymore. SV used to have a balanced trifecta of sorts between public research dollars, academia, and entrepreneurs. Public research dollars poured into the area’s universities for developing technological advancements, spurred on in no small part by the Cold War, students and staff used the knowledge and developments at said universities to launch startups that turned those developments into consumer-friendly versions.

    Then the neoliberal era came, and the public research money started dwindling because ideology, let the free market innovate. So the academia became more focused on churning out entrepreneurs than straight research. The entrepreneurs had to keep up the act though that they were churning out technological leaps and weren’t dependent on the public research dollars. Hence facades of intellectual greatness built over elaborate marketing data dredging with no real innovation.