Ahhhh, good to know! Maybe that’ll take off!
Do a little dance, he said.
Get down tonight, he said.
What he didn’t say, was an electron has both mass and spin yet has no definite location.
Ahhhh, good to know! Maybe that’ll take off!
Holy wow, I’m so disappointed in myself for not seeing that xD
I take it you’ve never been outside a big city in Texas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Et Cetera.
I’m only listing places I’ve been. An e-bike would just not cut it, especially if you have small children. There are places you can not go without getting on a freeway, and there is NO WAY IN HELL I’m putting a small child on the freeway or highway on a bike.
Yo, what?? I need to do some research apparently, because I was under the impression that their stay was paid by for taxes. It can’t be both, and if it is I may need to change careers.
Those ancient and federal policy makers? Liberals, probably xD
equals delta? confused math noises
You’re still not correct. Here
You are correct that 12:10 is 00:10, but that’s not what was said. I said 12am is the 24th hour.
Plop in 24:00 into military, guess what you get? 12am my guy.
I’ll explain why this is the case. 12am is marking the 12th hour of the evening, 12:01+ is counting into the first hour of the next morning. Same with 24th hour, 24:00 is the end of the 24th hour. There is no 24:01, it rolls around to 00:01 marking the first minute of the next day. 24:00 still exist though, it marks the massing of the last minute of the last hour of the day.
12am is the 24th hour, so yes it still works. I could be wrong, but I’m not.
I’m not criticizing your conclusion, I just want to know how you got there xD
I don’t know a single person in my generation who isn’t on some gradient.
Just had to draw them all sexy-like.
shakes fist at sky
Ah yes, the “wait for x turns and then throw a rook back in time” game. Jurrasic Rook.
Or my favorite, “I won? How? Oh, my queen just check-mated them 3 parralel worlds over and 7 turns ago”
“This is what happens when you lobotomize half the women, and put the other half on qualudes”, my partner xD
This was by far the most fun thing I’ve read all day. I’m sharing this with my fam lol
True for most people, unfortunately </3
Fine, I’ll do it. Elon Musk is **removeded. Not autistic, though if he is on the spectrum that has nothing to do with it.
The guy is fucking slow. He’s the stupidest “smart” person. He may be brilliant at making money, but holy fuck does this guy hang out in the shallow end of the intellectual pool.
I’ve met birds with a better understanding of cause and effect.
Really really hot lmao.
I believe in you!
Honestly, at the time they probably were the left. Depending on which definition of left vs right we are using, because of course there are multiple stances on what left vs right means :(
cries in recently educated