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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2021

  • My experience of using AI: Creating something from the bottom of my heart and putting in hours of fighting against its default weights to get it barely presentable, then spending even more time to fix all the imperfections to the point I may as well have just done it myself, only to have everyone I show it to freak out at me for using AI and assume that I’m falling to the technocapitalist dork side. Like I was bored and wanted to fuck around with the latest thing, i’m not going to all of a sudden start firing my whole staff or shilling for cryptocurrency. I don’t even see it as a tool, it’s a toy, and not a very good one at that. Maybe good for a novelty but it wears off extremely fast.

  • I learned about a week ago why they are the way they are. See the soviet union was the closest in their mind the world has ever come to communism, so even though it’s fallen into fascist oligarchy, they still hold hope that the anticommunist putin is going to rise up and reestablish global communism once more. The only problem with that is that… well Russia doesn’t want communism. This is their playbook Yeah, that doesn’t look socialist, that looks like “we tried communism it didn’t work so lets do fascism this time” so they end up throwing their support towards red flavored fascism since it’s the best chance (in their minds) at getting global communism. When the alternative is an american nazi world order, or tiny countries with no power, you don’t really have much choice.

    But here’s something I want every single one of you to realize having read all of that: Even the most fascist redfash still would have killed the nazis. The same cannot be said for the average (in-power) liberal today. Anticommunism is always pro-fascism. Never let your critiques of the left turn into support for the right.

    EDIT: Case in point, the person i’m responding to is never going to see this post because they’re on a nazi bar instance that banned me.