• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I agree. It’s pure lunacy to think women in the modern area won’t be able to get abortions when cave women 20,000 years ago figured it out. Yes there will be some, most younger women forced to carry a pregnancy to term. But the majority of abortions will go unreported and the GOP will think it’s a win. Also, women forced to carry usually have less children over their life than if they were allowed to get an optional abortion. The GOPs main argument is that we need more children to support our nation but abortion bans have the exact opposite effect.

  • Their own supporters? The majority of Gaza Palestinians people weren’t even alive when Hamas took power and the majority of Gaza residents come from displaced West Bank refugees that lost their homes to Israel colonizers forcing them off their land. Hamas never gained any footing in the West Bank. Also, Gaza is small enough to walk across in one afternoon. Where is Hamas supposed to fight where there isn’t people?! It’s like locking 100 people in a small room and demanding no one gets in the way of a fight between two people also in the room. Laughable at best to describe humans as human shields when they aren’t allowed to go anywhere else by the ones shooting at them. Ask yours, if the West Bank is 100x larger than Gaza why does Israel deport Palestinians only to Gaza?