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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2025

  • Ah, don’t worry. I do not hold the American people responsible for what has happened to your country. When it comes down to it, the individual American has very little say in what it’s government is doing and in my opinion, your government has been very successful in manipulating its population into believing in a very untrue and very romantic image of how America is and how it is perceived in the world at large.

    So don’t apologize. You can’t help where you were born and raised, neither can the rest of the world’s population. I cant help that i was born and raised in a country that decided to spy on its european neighbors for America and i would be very annoyed if people online blamed me personally for what some removeds in charge have decided to do. If anything, my sympathies goes out to people like you who are trapped in that hellhole. I do hope this is just a very unfortunate stumble in American history and that your country will return to form and eventually evolve socially like I have wished for you for decades.

    I will be honest, I have very few nice things to say about America, long before trump even came on my radar. I have despised America for most of my life, but I don’t hate all Americans. At all. It’s not your fault your country is built on a system that caters to the rich and teaches its people that all things that are good for the people is evil communism while all things good for the 1% is good for everybody. You guys deserves so much better.

    America as an institution and a public face on the world scene, however, I have no love for. I never had and I wasn’t surprised when it decided to stab us in the back the moment we needed it despite us bleeding money and young men’s blood for the American institution for 20 years. I am not surprised that we are being treated this way. It fits perfectly with the American playbook I have witnessed since I was a kid and saw Bush use 911 to invade the middle east and high key sent a message to the rest of us that if we weren’t on America’s side we would be their enemy. Which is partially why I think we ended up joining you in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    But no, I’m not surprised that this is our reward for bleeding for the American institution. Threats of annexing our territory, childish insults to our politicians, abandoning Ukraine and making friends with Russia. America has only ever cared about its own interests while pretending to be the world hero. All trump did was going mask off and that must be a shock to some Americans who believed the American institution was good and selfless.

  • Let me see… since new years you have threatened to annex Greenland, had Musk call our finest astronaut removeded, called our Prime Minister removeded, recently Roger Stone called one of our conservative politicians a sick demented asshole on Twitter when said politician asked for the general secretary of NATO to not joke about Trump and Greenland and… oh yeah, Trump and Vance attacked and insulted our dear friend, President Zelenskyj on world wide TV.

    So… how about no? Oh, I’m sorry: no, thank you.

  • Ah the whataboutism. I have run into that one too when I argue against recreational drugs. Pro drug users always always always bring up alcohol and everytime I’m like "yes, alcohol sucks too and I would ideally see it phased out of society instead of adding weed and cocaine etc to the legality club. And then they start their blabbering about how restrictions just makes the black market boom and yadda yadda and you shouldn’t have any restrictions because criminals will win, then. But I’m still like: yeah, but making accessibility easier will also not benefit society.

    It’s the same discussion as it is with guns. They never want to actually talk about the issues, but would rather deflect and focus the discussion in on topics that has less and less and less to do with the original point. Ignore all your arguments and declare themselves the winner of the discussion because they feel they successfully won against their own strawman argument instead of actually trying to engage in the conversation.

  • I have always thought you could make that point with something like a knife. It is a tool made to assist in chores. You can use the knife to feed your family or kill your family. The knife is just a knife.

    But a gun is specifically designed to kill. There is literally no other purpose for the gun. You can’t use it in a kitchen. You can’t use it to carve tools. Its only use it to take life.

    That’s why the guns don’t kill people mantra rings endlessly hollow to me.

  • Det er også sådan jeg ser det. Der har været en gennemgribende fortælling i de senere år om at staten er en skurk (mest i Amerika, men det bløder jo ud til os andre på sociale medier) og at alle former for statsejede eller statsdrevede institutioner er ondt og forkert.

    Nu har vi så set hvad der sker når selv en stat kan købes af en virksomhed og det er jo ikke positivt. Jeg er selv ret træt af at alle fortalere for statsregulerede servicer bliver kaldt kommunistisk fordi det bare er kapitalismens kneejerk svar til alle former for regulering. Det er ikke så meget møntet på det du siger, mere den tendens jeg selv har været vidnet til og været åben for at lytte på gennem årene trods jeg selv altid har været fortaler for at staten står for servicer, som vi alle har brug for og glæde af. Ligenu er de sociale medier vores tids svar på torvet hvor folk kan stille sig op og tale og det ville jo være vanvittigt hvis et fysisk torv som alle bruger hver dag pludselig er ejet og reguleret af en virksomhed, der ikke spiller efter de samme fælles regler som resten af landet gør, men derimod tvinger folk der bruger torvet ind i at moderere sig selv efter virksomhedens interesser.

    Det er ikke så underligt for mig at nogle af disse tech giganter har fået storhedsvanvid og snakker om at oprette deres egne stater med egne regler væk fra regulering af rigtige lande med rigtige love og regulering.

    Virksomheder tænker ikke som stater. De tænker som virksomheder. Virksomheder ønsker profit. De er ligeglade med velfærd og ligestilling, især hvis det ikke giver plus på bundlinjen.

    Det er derfor Amerika som land er skræmmende tæt på at kollapse fordi de har indrettet deres system efter virksomhedernes tankegang og på ingen måde ønsker eller respekterer at for at drive et land, så skal man tænke som en stat og ikke som en virksomhed. En stat tænker ikke i profit, men i drift of balance så landet kan løbe rundt.

    Det er derfor sociale platforme enten skal være statsejede eller non profit open source.

    På den måde er det godt at vi er nået hertil for nu har vi fået syn for sagen for hvad der sker når Virksomheder har ubegrænset købekraft og meget lidt regulering.

    Så må man da håbe at de fleste af os har fantasien til at se det offentlige alternativ som en bedre model. Modsat hvad amerikanerne tit siger med at statsregulering hæmmer friheden så ser jeg det stik modsat. Statsregulering øger friheden for alle hvor et ukontrolleret kapitalistisk marked øger friheden for de få.

  • Så enig. Jeg kender mange, der elsker den der influencer-måde at bruge sociale medier på og det kan man jo ikke på platforme som disse. Det er ikke alle folk der bryder sig om det anonyme aspekt så der skal klart være et alternativ til folk der gerne vil have den offentlige del af sociale medier hvor andre kan se billeder og videoer fra deres liv.

    Den der SOCii platform kunne selvfølgelig være et okay udgangspunkt, hvis den fik støtte fra staten til drift i stedet for virksomheder. Jeg mener, det kan jo godt være at deres nuværende model er okay, men jeg har meget lav tillid til at lade virksomheder investere i sociale medier ovenpå hele det system der er blevet opbygget i USA. Har altid syntes at sociale medier skulle være non profit eller statsstøttet så man kan holde firmaer helt ude af det. Det har vi jo tydeligt fået bevist er en meget dårlig ide.

  • Jeg har efterhånden accepteret at i næsten alle tilfælde når LA siger noget, så er deres holdninger og værdier stik modsat mine.

    Men nogle gange er det næsten kedeligt, at de er så forudsigelige. Hvilket somhelst emne: “nåh men jeg mener jo sådan her om x, så må det betyde at LA vil sige det modsatte. Åh jamen se, jeg havde ret.”

    Tror kun de har overrasket mig positivt én gang men kan ikke lige huske hvad emnet var her til morgen.

  • Totally agree! I’m not 100% opposed to your idea, I’m just not a good sales person so if I tried to convince people on Facebook to move away from that platform, I would most likely end up being seen as a conspiracy theorist or something like that.

    Before I left facebook I did post a comment in my feed where I announced I’d be leaving Facebook within a certain time frame and that people could find me this and that place, at this or that email and on the phone if they had my number. Wrote a bit about why I had had enough of Facebook, didn’t make it political, but focused instead on how Facebook no longer felt like a place where I could interact with family and friends, but more like an advertisement platform where I may be lucky to see one or two posts from people I care about inbetween an endless scroll of ads and brainrot content.

    My biggest surprise was how quick some of my friends were to reach out to keep in contact and some were eager to move to Signal so we could still talk conveniently in the future (lets face it, text isnt always the most convenient communication form lol). That was a surprise because I literally thought no one would care that I left.

    I will do my best to share things like Signal and the European alternatives with people I care about irl and leave the online convincing to the pros xD I could probably spread the word about feddit on reddit since I haven’t deleted my profile yet, just the app. I feel like reddit would be more open to this since more people on there are invested in online communities unlike most people on Meta who just use those platforms to connect with people they know irl already.

  • Too late for me haha. I already went off the grid. I think over time I will talk friends into using things like Signal and with family I’ll just let them know how and why I left Meta. Almost no one I know uses reddit or even know it exists so it wouldn’t make sense trying to pull them onto Feddit.

    Most of my family members use Meta platforms and are generally indifferent to the problems with that. It is easy and convenient for them and I don’t think they care all that much about it. As far as I know, I am the only one in my family who is “terminally online” for better or worse and most of my family members have a very superficial relationship with the internet - for better or worse. I will only say something about why I left, how I left and what alternatives are if it ever comes up at family gatherings. No one wants to listen to someone who’s trying to push something on them, so casually talking about the hows and why’s I did this and that will be my strategy.

    The only one in my family who has always been based (if that word is still okay to use) is my dad. He has been ahead of his time with almost every single issue we all deal with today. Environment, politics, social media, you name it. He told us all super early when Facebook was still new that he wanted no pictures of him on that thing because you never know what they will use people’s information for. He regularly sends me pictures over MMS of articles about current events and today he sent me a list of american products to boykot. I still believe the most important American products to boykot is social medias and not coca cola, toothpaste and body wash. Sure those products are american originally, but they are produced locally by local companies with a license so we would probably hurt local businesses more than american businesses by boycotting them.

    Online platforms however, is directly given and monitored by America and leaving them would take away Zuckerburger’s, Bezo’s, Musk’s and Pichai’s power. And by extension America’s power. They have an almost monopoly on the internet today, have discouraged us from seeking and destroyed the growth possibilities for other platforms. In that sende I am grateful for Trump that he is such an insufferable cunt that some of us has finally had enough.

    I think, though, that the change will have to happen organically. I will rather talk with friends and family about it irl than return to Meta and play missionary for people who either don’t care or don’t understand what is actually happening right now. I believe the big shift will happen among the youths. They are the future of the internet after all, and they already have made the move to walk away from American platforms and are mostly on tiktok today. I’m sure that if they find that there are other alternatives that restrict them less and allows them to create and speak their minds without massive censorship, they will go there. I have faith in the youth.

  • For mig minder det lidt om filmen Cuties, som ville belyse problemet med seksualisering af små piger - ved at seksualisere små piger. Jeg så filmen da den kom ud fordi jeg troede at folk overdrev og er selv af den overbevisning at hvis man vil bruge tid på at kritisere kunst, så skal man også interagere med det. Men jeg må alligevel sige at jeg følte at jeg så softcore børne porno og ikke en film. Det var meget ubehageligt på alle de forkerte måder.

    Synes også selv at alle aspekter af Danmarks griseproduktion er et problem. Kan ikke huske procenterne, men langt størstedelen af alt landbrugsareal, der dyrkes på er for at gro mad til grise. Langt størstedelen af det grisekød vi producerer bliver eksporteret til udlandet. Grise bliver pumpet med medicin hvilket kan gøre nogle sygdomme resistente og skabe flere problemer for os. At spise for store mængder grisekød er heller ikke sundt for kroppen. Og ja, så lever grisene under absurde forhold.

    Det skal jo ikke komme an på det, men jeg holdt op med at spise grisekød for mange år siden fordi jeg ikke kunne forlige mig med at vi behandler et dyr der er klogere end hunde på den måde. De VED jo hvad der sker med dem. Og ud over det havde jeg også hørt nogle historier om organtransplantationer af griseorganer til mennesker og så er der bare en etisk grænse, der er overskredet for mig.

    De eneste tidspunkter, hvor jeg spiser gris er hvis jeg ved at de kommer fra en frilandsgård hvor de har mærket solen på ryggen og mudderet mellem klovene.

    Jeg gør mig ikke til dommer over hvad andre mennesker gør, men jeg kan bare ikke støtte den industri og så gerne at der blev skåret gevaldigt ned på griseproduktion i Danmark. At vi lavede nok til at brødføde os selv og brugte vores areal til natur eller dyrkning af planteføde til os selv. Jeg tror vi alle ville blive overrasket over hvor lidt plads vi behøver optage for at kunne forsyne os selv fint med både kød og grøntsager samtidig med at vi får fremelsket mere vild natur herhjemme.