Regarding the idea with what mentioned in this post with storing each electron is not exactly the same as something like a capacitor or battery. The idea is can perhaps store each individual electron inside of a container not attached to an atom. I guess an electron not attached to something like an atom are as a free electron. Compared to something like a capacitor or battery that have a solid perhaps conductive material which store each electron inside of, maybe like with each electrode of a capacitor. Which maybe this can store more electrons than something like a capacitor or battery of relative size.
Also regarding with each electron is perhaps since an electron does not stop moving maybe like with zero point energy then perhaps can be used to generate energy maybe for example like from each electron’s electromagnetism. Also listed other possible ways could generate energy in this post.
With storing light perhaps higher spectrum of light are more difficult to store in a container than maybe a lower spectrum of light like the radio wave spectrum of light. So maybe it can be done to at least effectively store the radio wave spectrum of light.
A picture should be to the left of the title which can perhaps click on. The picture perhaps showing the picture of an alien ship from secureteam10’s video compared with a drawing perhaps someone had done from their memory of perhaps when they were abducted into which perhaps are exactly the same or a similar ship.
Also included information about an alien ship I had seen that looks like are exactly the same or similar to the image on secureteam10’s video. Added my drawing in a green box of that picture.
The first text on the post also perhaps how to see the image larger.
The other information in this post is also included for more information.