Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • In the last year I have switched to all cast iron, carbon steel, and stainless steel for all my pots and pans.

    No Teflon or “non-stick” coated garbage for me. Properly seasoned and cared for cast iron, carbon, or stainless steel will all be nearly as good as a “non-stick” pan and doesn’t have the risk factor.

    Recently, non-stick pans have been released that supposedly are safer, but I don’t really feel like trusting billion dollar corpos to not lie for the 20th time about that, not when there are fantastic alternatives.

  • You’re not listening to anything I’m saying, so I’m not really interested in continuing.

    I’ve been extremely charitable to you despite your offensive commentary with other users and myself, I’ve made a half-dozen points in my other comments and you haven’t engaged with any of them.

    You’re either supremely ignorant or you are a blatant transphobe trying to pretend you’re confused and innocently curious.

    I’ve given you resources to get informed, if you’re a genuine person you’ll follow them. If not, then your question of why you’re constantly getting banned from inclusive communities has been answered.

  • You are literally the “enlightened centrist” stereotype, and you are talking nonsense about trans treatment. Despite the vast majority of research showing that gender affirming care has extremely high success rates and almost all trans folks not regretting transitioning, you apparently refuse to accept that.

    Worse yet, you are trying to frame your bigotry as love and care, the same way homophobic Christians claim they “love and care about gay people.”

    There is no such thing as a “politically neutral” position. That would imply that there is some perfect center between different views, as if political viewpoints can be narrowed down to a 2-dimensional line with “right” & “left.” All views have implications for society, and everybody falls into different varying categories and schools of thought, even if they aren’t aware of it.

    Claiming that you don’t means either you are either very ignorant to political theory and philosophy, or you are deliberately being obtuse out of some false sense of moral/intellectual superiority.

    Inform yourself, or if you’re a bigot, just be open about it and stop pretending you’re somehow magically above or outside of political/social biases.

  • You can discuss trans issues all over the place. Trans folks and allies in thousands of forums, websites, and physical locations like diversity centers at universities will happily provide you with reading materials to learn about trans issues and larger LGBT+ issues.

    What people won’t tolerate is bigotry and hate. You can disagree with trans folks about all kinds of things, just like anyone else in the world, but nobody is going to tolerate you questioning their identity or whether or not they should have the same rights as anybody else.

    The fact that you keep treating trans folks and their views as a universal collective means one of three things:

    1. You disagree with the core issues that 99.99% of trans people agree on.
    2. You are using “transgenders” as some kind of dog whistle for your bigoted views and you’re trying to play the victim in the classic, “I’m just asking questions, why is that banned?” kind of way.
    3. You’re totally ignorant to trans and larger LGBT+ issues and you need to get informed.

    If it’s the first, then you’re a bigot who doesn’t think trans folks should be treated fairly and equally in society.

    If it’s the second, you’re also a bigot and just trying to hide it.

    If it’s the third, you need to start reading and listening to LGBT+ content and learn about social issues from them and their lived experience. Go to a site like glaad.org and start reading there. You can also go to your local library and ask for the LGBT+ section, they will usually have materials and content there that will be informative. Also, any major college/university will have a diversity center or club, go there and ask them for good starter material for getting informed on LGBT+ issues.

  • “…that I don’t agree with the ideals of transgenders.”

    Ah, there it is. Has the same vibes as, “I don’t have a problem with black people, just black culture.”

    And what “ideals” are you taking issue with? You mean how trans folks want to be treated equally and fairly? Or maybe how trans folks want to raise awareness of violence across the world towards them? Or maybe how trans folks would like people to respect their pronouns, the exact same way people have been doing for centuries with nicknames and preferred names?

  • This is kind of like asking, “what is water worth?”

    To an upper middle class person in the developed world, a dollar or two. To a person stranded in a desert, they might literally kill for it.

    If you are just a Joe shmoe out in the world living a basic life, privacy might not be worth hardly anything. But if you’re a whistle blower or a political dissident in an authoritarian country, your privacy is worth everything.

  • You’re just wrong on literally every point dude.

    1. Nope, I’ve installed Linux Mint for multiple people, several different apps, never touched the terminal. I even updated the kernel all through the GUI.
    2. Basically the same on all the most popular distros. Searching “startup” or “autostart” in KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, and Gnome DEs all bring up an easy GUI app for getting programs to start automatically.
    3. Same as #1. You don’t need to use the terminal to install most software, especially not anything popular. And guess what, you need the terminal to do hardcore stuff on Windows too. I know because I’ve worked for years in IT and have to use the Windows terminal for all kinds of random stuff, I literally had to use Powershell today.
    4. This happens in Windows too. Just ask me how many times I’ve had to install old .NET frameworks or other random drivers/3rd party software to get some piece of software/hardware to work on Windows. Something that I thought would be a 10 minute install turns into an hour because of random shit not working right.
    5. Bruh, I play Minecraft all the time. Hundreds and hundreds of hours. It’s one of the easiest games to play on Linux. And I play with tons of mods, texture packs, and shaders. I’ve been playing Minecraft on multiple Linux distros for 4 years, it runs great.
    6. All major distros auto-mount external drives. I have a whole bag of thumb drives, external HDDs, and SSDs that I use in my day job. Never had a problem with them not being picked up and mounted by any of the Linux systems I work on.

    I mean, don’t use it I guess, but stop spreading these obviously false claims, man. Have fun getting all your personal data farmed by a multi trillion dollar megacorp and fed into AI engines to churn out infinite heaps of sludge. Oh yeah, and all the endless popup ads in an OS that you already paid for…

  • That only works if you have managers that give a rip about helping you grow and compensating you well for that growth, which sadly, most people don’t have.

    In my experience, staying at the same place and taking on more “growth opportunities” was just an excuse for management to throw more on my plate without compensation increases. Sure I would get a little raise sometimes, but it was always pissy amounts of money, even when I asked for more.

    I started jumping jobs aggressively and magically my pay exploded upwards. I now have basically zero loyalty to the companies I work for, just like they have for me. Contract work is even better for this, but the downside is usually you have bad or zero benefits.