KobaCumTribute [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2020

  • I genuinely believe that his handlers started giving him painkillers because he’s such a delicate fancy lad that he couldn’t handle a tiny scratch on his ear and/or because the secret service probably broke a rib or bruised some organs when they tackled him, and then they just kept giving them to him because he wants them and nobody’s gonna tell him no. So now in addition to whatever internal injuries he got from the secret service and whatever trauma he got from hypothetically dying he’s also just zonked out all the time, and that’s all on top of his already worm-eaten brain and age catching up to him.

  • “I would like to watch grown men play catch while destroying their bodies with poison and scrambling their brains with concussions, and I would further like to make being violently passionate about one arbitrary brand name my entire identity. This is what is mainstream and the most socially acceptable sort of hobby: passively consuming this content at a rate of 30 seconds of gameplay per hour of ads, while drinking heavily.”

    Sports fandom is just twitch streamer stan culture except somehow even more toxic and harmful for everyone involved.

  • spraying said burning oil.

    Specifically aerosolizing it, not just splashing it around, for anyone who’s unclear on what sort of “spray” is produced. It turns a big lump of burning oil where only some of it can get oxygen into a huge cloud of tiny oil particles that are each surrounded by oxygen, creating yet another additional explosion as suddenly a lot more of it is burning a whole lot faster.

    Like it’s not just a bad idea that makes the fire bigger, it’s a catastrophically bad idea that turns the entire room its in into fire instantly.

    Now technically there is an amount of water that can put out a small enough grease fire, but it’s on the order of hundreds of gallons hitting it all at once so unless someone has a bathtub sized emergency reservoir on a quick release directly above their stove, they’re not going to manage it with a glass or a pot or even a large bucket full of water. Especially since the actual solution is just “put a thing that won’t be on fire over it and it will stop.”