They get overrun by the local threats the USA may have been able to help with? I mean, there’s obviously nuance here, but you aren’t using it either so
They get overrun by the local threats the USA may have been able to help with? I mean, there’s obviously nuance here, but you aren’t using it either so
Yeah when we ask the government of that place, and they say yes, we should then feel free to do that.
Miss me with the “my guy” shit. It’s smarmy.
The post we’re commenting on they’re saying milk causes autism, like out of their ass. Just like they did with vaccines. You say they aren’t the villain, but making shit up about people with medical conditions doesn’t make you a hero.
The people who want us to give up all meat and even not have pets operate the biggest kill-shelter in the United States. They’re constantly preachy, condescending, they lie. Fuck em.
What short sighted idiots. Chopping down a tree to steal the fruit? Our species is its own Great Filter.
I’m out of the loop. I know he’s seen as cantankerous but did he say or do something actually bad?
Who does that help?
Edit: Yes, I see.
Edit 2: Ah jeez.
It’s exhausting having Europeans assume that because I live here I A) endorse everything about it with every fiber of my being and B) have no ability to conceptualize any other way of living at all, much less a better one than my current American lifestyle.
It’s true we don’t have a quaint medieval village on an island, but we never had invading Huns or something force us to live on a postage stamp of land and make a quaint little village there.