Virtucon (Dr Evil’s org in Austin Powers)
Virtucon (Dr Evil’s org in Austin Powers)
I’m using Voyager and the search function is awesome. I stopped using Jerboa a long time ago and I don’t remember exactly why.
Where are you searching?
Interesting idea! Since everyone in the city was a sports fan and participated in the riots, and of course everyone participating in the riots was from the city, it totally makes sense.
The US generates almost stadium-full amounts of trash every day.
They’re called Trump rallies.
This is what he wanted. Now the state is the bad guy.
Anyone know what they’re saying about this in the MAGA camps?
I think we’re confused by what you’re saying.
Agreed, just making a joke because of the context.
Real men sit to pee so they don’t have to clean their own piss up later.
Whenever I talk about this, some asshat will come along and make a comment about sitting on a tree. No, dumbass, I don’t sit to pee on a tree. Or a urinal. I sit to pee on my toilet at home so I can tell you what an idiot you are while I’m pissing just to prove how manly I am.
it’s almost like we are trying to out-stupid them.
Well I wouldn’t go that far lol
It would still be a dumb article.
Yeah I’m not arguing that. But the point is different… He’s talking about longevity, not acumen.
He’s talking about how long young people will last on the supreme court. Still gross, but this article is click-baity and dumb with its premise.
The “staggering” amount they’re spending is nothing for them. It would be the equivalent of multi-millionaires giving 10s of thousands of dollars.
They’ll save more in taxes in a day.
On Saturday, competing couples did not have to be married, nor did they have to be a man and a woman.
Awesome. Looks like a lot of fun!
At least a bunch of ad/marketing execs are going to make big money!
Agreed. As I mentioned elsewhere, Falcon 9 is still revolutionary, but I was just clarifying that the SRBs were recycled, as that is sometimes forgotten.
The Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) from shuttle launched were recycled. They parachuted into the ocean after being jettisoned and were recovered and refused. They just didn’t land themselves. The external fuel tank was not reused.
Corn? When did I eat corn?