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Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Not sure about biological reasons. Its possible I spose but without more medical knowledge. In not sure how removing / changing organs as they grow developmentally effects the final outcome.

    The argument has always been about the maturity of the candidate. And the idea that surgery is not practically reversible. Vs the mental harm of growing up in a body that dose not match your perceived gender.

    But I have to wonder. As In the UK and I am sure the US hormone blockers are also being attacked with often questionable medical evidence as to the harm the may do when used on developing teenagers.

    Given In the UK it is definatly not legal for anyone under the age of consent to have gender reasignment surgery. The current attacks seem to be aimed at making it impossible for that surgery to achive its best success once it is legal.

  • Not disagreeing. More devils advocate.

    But are you basically saying if your home is attacked by another nation. One much larger and using draft to fill the ranks of attackers.

    You are happy to allow your leader to fail to convince people to save your and your family/childrens lives.

    Because at the end of it. That is why many folks support draft for a nation under attack.

    I personally always think it is best as a last resort. Trained full time pros are genrally better at the job. But in an attack like this the amount of work needed to build and manage defences needs a huge labour force. Even modern tech warfare needs huge labour.

    It is the idea that everyone needs the actions of these people to survive. That makes the vast majority express views like Ops original comment.

  • It dose. But its not like western xtian stopped influencing Africa some time in the past. Today American xtian orgs spend a fortune lobbying African nations and supporting extream right wing politics.

    Lets face it the western world has difficulty removing money from politics. Even in the richest nation in the world. So having money from that nation interfere with the politics of less wealthy nations. Well lets face it there is a reason those are the nations right wing xtians try to push their ideals. It works.

  • Bollocks. The Ukraine has every hope of convincing Russia to leave its soil. If it has the support of other nations.

    Having those nations allow the Ukraine to use weapons supplied in a way that forces Russia to actually spend resources defending its own inferstructure is the first step to lowering there ability to push everything they have into another nation.

    The Ukraine has done a fantastic job of limiting the ability of Russia to over run its nation. While being limited in its ability to respond to the attacker. Forcing Russia to defend its ow borders will make a huge difference in the Ukraine ability to remove Russia fro mits own borders.

  • Again not covered by the EU agreement. Although a few EU members argue strongly for military unification. It was raised by many during brexit as a reason to leave the EU. So again unlikely to find full upport in the near future.

    Currently the supply of arms and weapons is totally uncovered by EU trade agreements. NATO has some agreements. But non that cover this.

    The thing people forget. International law dose not really exist beyond atual agreements nations are willing to commit to. Unfortunately as the world is a bloody long way from a utopia. Most nations are unwilling to agree to things that limit their own military actions. So nothing most other nations can do.

    The closest we ever came is post WW2 where the Geneva convention and ICC was set up.

    But as you can see. No nation is forced to abide by such rules. The US and Russia make i clear. Might makes right until some event leaves oa nation on the losing side of a battle with enough losses of resources to need help from other nations.

    What the rest of the world thinks in wars is still pretty much unimportant to the events.

  • You know cows kill a fair few folks in the UK right.

    The summery said it was reported running at members of the public.

    While I am sure there are better ways to deal with it. As lets face it the car is only going to scare it more. Scared out of control cow are freaking dangerous.

    There have been a number of news articles talking about killer cows over the last few years. Even though it is rare. Average of a few a year and normally when the cows are stressed for some reason. But let’s face. Media is not known for responsible reporting.

    But a cow in the middle of a busy road acting aggressive towards humans. Is a genuine threat. I can def see a cop being to scared to approach it without the car and thinking removing the cow is urgent.

    Of course the action is dumb. Clearing the road and calling a vet would be better. But I can fathom a cop panicking.

  • revoking their visas and restricting any US-based property transactions.

    So any icc employee who has settled in the US. Loses access to family. And is unable to sell property to fund moving them. To a less politically toxic nation?

    It could be a ĺittle more then symbolism to the lives of anyone involved who has a visa.

    Republicans seem to really ignore:we no longer live in a world where the girl/boy next door is your most likely wife/husband. Many of us human beings build relationships accross borders now the Internet is so linked to our daily lives.

  • LOL I have temped in a UK orange juice factory. Believe me your sanity depends on what you dont know.

    As for fruit juice and sugar. My comment makes things look more all juice then I intended.

    We tend to sell a few different forms. Pure Juice tends to come in cardboard (plastic coated) tubs of a litre or more. Pure is literal in the name. So no added sugar. It also need to be refrigerated and only lasts weeks. But honestly nattural juice has a sugar called fructos that works pretty well on low blood sugar. Way higher in actual carb grams then modern sodas like coke. But way less then the old pre tax amount.

    We also have Juices made from concentrated juice with water and sugar added. During the concentration process it is heated to remove most of the water. Then shipped to factories. Here purified boiled water ands sugar is added.

    This leads to a juice that can sit on a shelf without refrigeration for years. Both will work when grabbed in a hurry. But as the reconstituted from concentrate juices have from 8 to 12g of sugar carbs per 100 ml you tend to need less. Making it actually better to carry on a summer day. Old coke full sugar was about the same.

    Modern cola is about 4 to 5g per 100ml. Although I have just discovered Coke has started selling Coke Original Taste Brand with 10.6g per 100ml. So looks like they have decided people will pay a bit more after all.

    In sainsbury’s it £5.20 for 8 330ml cans where Diet coke is £4.99 so the tax is far from huge.