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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Well kid, it’s funny that your ideea it’s not applicable only if it’s sapping resources created beforehand. So is a net consumer not producer. In comunist terms it’s a “parasite on the workers class”.

    There are some key concepts you’re not grasping and you should educate yourself for your own good. Things like:

    • economy is much more than a stock market.
    • producing good and services that people require is the economy itself.
    • politics doesn’t create anything (regardless of the ideology) it suppose to find the best way to manage what has been created by the economy and society.
    • the reliability of a system is inversely proportional with its complexity. In other words things break more complex things have bigger chances to break.

  • You have no ideea what are you talking about!

    A good food supply means a working economy, for gods sake!

    You need seeds, water for irrigation, fertilizers, tractors, various attachments to them, trucks, fuel, silos, for storin, dedicated plants and educated people to build and maintain everything. And I haven’t reached animal husbandry or food processing!

    Or you would argue that we all do subsistence agriculture because then I have a very bad news for you. Where to many for ineficient low yield agriculture and even if this wasn’t a problem,many, like you, don’t know how to do it.