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Joined 5 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump

    It’s neither, the problem is the illusion that we call democracy, and the compromises we (the people, not the rulers, of course) are told we have to make in order to maintain it (AKA the status quo) despite it being designed to keep us down (again, by providing an illusion of choice) rather than serve us.

    As another person already said - trump is just a symptom, it is the system that enables and encourages his existence, and it is the system that needs to be abolished if the working class is to ever have a shot at justice, equity, and equality.

    Articles like this are acts of systemic self defence - deflection to keep us looking at the illusion instead of the reality.

  • Gaslighting the public in to maintaining the status quo for the rich and powerful…

    E: and before the die hard liberals descend on me and accuse me of being a trump supporter because they can only see the world in blue or red - the alternative being worse doesn’t make your guy any good (nor did I mention the word “vote” - or don’t - once), it only proves that the system is rigged to never serve you. Now if only you were willing to confront this admittedly uncomfortable fact and move on from the fairy tale you’ve been sold, we might actually get some progress instead of treading water by “reducing harm” (all the while harm is not actually being reduced, we’re just being held hostage in exchange for it theoretically not getting worse)

  • That’s still just a superficial solution, you need to go deeper and address the reasons these foods exist in the first place, and why people buy them, because it really isn’t the ultra processed foods in themselves that are the issue, it’s that the system is geared not only to encourage producing food as cheaply as possible, but also for people to work for such long hours to barely survive, and be so badly educated about food and nutrition, that fast food, and filling the pockets of those who sell it, is their best option (in terms of time, money, and other physical and mental resources that go in to consistently and reliably preparing food from scratch).

    So much of the damage being attributed to these “ultra processed foods” is almost certainly actually due to stress and poverty, which are what (alongside a multi-trillion dollar marketing and advertising industries) lead people to eat them in the first place.