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Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • When he tested the look at outdoor Los Angeles shopping mall The Grove, “Nobody recognized me,” Bacon said. But the tide evidently soon turned. “People were kind of pushing past me, not being nice. Nobody said, ‘I love you.’ I had to wait in line to, I don’t know, buy a f***ing coffee or whatever. I was like, This sucks. I want to go back to being famous.”

    Lmao this has to be a joke. Is this really what life is like for these people? No one said “I love you” to a stranger at the mall? He had to wait in lines? Maybe the most eye-opening thing about this is that Kevin seemed to expect to be treated more or less the same way he is as a celebrity, just without the selfies, which says to me that he thought everyone gets treated the same way famous people do. Sometimes it’s interesting to get a reminder of how out of touch these people really are.

  • Workers are now paid 20+ bucks an hour for fast food

    In California, maybe. Everywhere else wages aren’t even near that much for fast food. Fast food establishments aren’t even really part of the tipping discussion, which may be why California raised the minimum wage only for fast food workers. Having worked those jobs before, I can say that no one there expects a tip and likewise, tips are uncommon. Restaurant workers still have the same minimum wage as before, though. For fast food, don’t worry about tipping. If you want to go to a sit-down place, though, don’t go if you aren’t prepared to tip. It’s not like you can’t figure out approximately what the tip would be before you go. Don’t forget that federal law says food service workers only have to get paid $2.13 an hour of actual wages as long as tips can make up the difference to the national minimum wage of $7.25. It makes a lot of people unhappy when they have to tip, but that’s how it is and they knew it before they went out to eat. If you don’t like it, don’t reward those businesses with your patronage in the first place. Not tipping only results in your wait staff getting stiffed, the boss doesn’t care whether you tip or not.

  • This meteorite was revered as a sacred object by the indigenous peoples who surrounded its original landing spot and rituals such as dipping arrowheads in the rain-filled cavities was common to help bring success in hunting or battle. Then some white guy showed up and and came into possession of it by simply buying the land it stood on, which then made the meteorite legally his to do what he wanted with, so he sold it to the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. For many years, the native groups that used to revere the meteorite fought in court to get it back to its original resting place. Eventually, they reached an agreement with the AMNH to formally sign over ownership if they ever decide to take it off display. They also host private after-hours visits each year for the local native peoples. Personally, though, I feel that the museum now simply has more motivation to never ever take it off display. I’d be surprised if it comes back any time in the next 100 years, unfortunately.