Friendica, Smithereen or Hubzilla
Friendica, Smithereen or Hubzilla
ActivityPub acts like two-way RSS
Why do you want sub-accounts, if you can have as many regular accounts as you want?
Websites can be bridged to ActivityPub with
Yes, hiring more IT security specialists
“What is certain is that if they are Marxists, then I myself am not a Marxist”
– Karl Marx
The scale of inequality caused by party privileges was laughable compared to the scale of inequality caused by capitalism
Kier Stalin
Oh, can you pm me ( I can’t get mautrix-telegram bridge working, it doesn’t respond to invites from rooms on other servers.
were soviet computers ruined too?
Expect AP updates to be rare, just like other protocols
Right. However, instances hosted in Russia can’t federate with anymore.
There’s Usenet, no memes but also sort of dead and suffering from spam