• 2 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • Who’s “we”? Only 40% of our users come from Anglo North America.

    You think everything you disagree with comes from the US which allows you to dismiss it out of hand and never have to struggle with your preconceptions and privilege.

    PS: Uh-huh. French “satire” from 1898:

    honestly bold words for someone whose family were probably nazis to claim Germany is the Mr. Magoo of racism lol

  • What Marxist theory have you read to be so confidently wrong? Which liberals understand dialectical materialism? Which liberals study history through the class struggle? Which liberals follow the labour theory of value instead of actual liberal theories like the marginal value.

    Liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeoisie and Marxism leninism is the ideology of the proletariat. This was settled a hundred years ago and more, you’re not going to be magically right about it if you insist enough on it.