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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2022


  • That’s why it’s Imperialism lite.

    Do you really think Trump did less imperialism then Obama? Tightening the noose on Cuba, doing nearly triple the air strikes in half the time, killing Solemani, militarily antagonizing Iran in general to provoke a response, sending troops to directly occupy Syrian oil fields and hand them to Exxon Mobile, the list goes on.

    Jesus Christ, they’re both pieces of shit, but one pile is still bigger. Do you think Trump was a better president and less imperialist?

  • Trump was and still is significantly more mask off then Obama ever was. Obama was the most lukewarm, optically inoffensive, status-quo supporting, capitalist neo-liberal to ever grace the presidency. Trump is substantially more honest in his convictions then anyone before him, for example somehow even managing to usurp Obama’s air strike grand-champion title in half the time.

  • The way I described it is simply what happens in the movie. He had no resistance, he had no plan, he had no ideology, or grand vision. He has a psychotic break. The military is hell.

    You’re creating a story about a character that was never told. They don’t need you to ignore him, because they don’t paint him as a Marxist, or a someone who’s a stalwart resistor.

  • How do they make you disregard him?

    That is a very logical response to the situation, but he is deeply mentally ill and psychotic by the end scene due to the extreme stress, despite not starting that way.

    No sane or well person shoots someone and then kills themselves while doing drill commands in a bathroom in the dark with a rifle and trying to lure someone in to kill them.

    He doesn’t die for his defiance. He kills himself in a psychotic break.

  • It wasn’t really a situation of giving in or fighting back. He was deeply unwell and very obviously autistic, and the unrelenting pressure and stress caused a psychotic break and a spiral into a deep depression.

    He wasn’t really aware of any “resistance”, as he was out of his mind and reverted to an almost animalistic version of himself which lost all ability to reason and stay in touch with reality.

    He’s not Pyle anymore in the end scene, he’s gone. No well or sane person kills someone and then kills themselves.

    He wasn’t always like that, anyone can trigger psychosis, and it turns even the sweetest most loving people into terrifying monsters as they lose control of their minds. That’s why he’s demonically smiling and laughing to himself while doing drill commands in his underwear at 2 in the morning. Before killing someone and then himself. Despite showing absolutely no desire to kill or hurt anyone for the entire training scene.

  • I don’t think Gomer was resisting anything. He truly seems like he’s simply less intelligent then the others in his platoon, or maybe even nuerodivergent, and he is bullied past the breaking point to which he suffers a classic psychotic break before committing a murder-suicide.

    Any act of resistance was by complete accident. He was just pushed over the edge.

  • Honestly, the fortifications could be extremely strong, but that doesn’t matter if you have no men to man them.

    Could be identical to what happened when the Americans reached the Siegfried Line and Soviets reached the Ostwall at the German border. They encountered massive defensive lines with bunkers, pillboxes, tunnels, trenches, anti-tank ditches, dragon’s teeth, barbed wire, and gun emplacements… that were virtually empty because there were no men left to man the defenses except for battered troops, Luftwaffe personnel, and Volksstrum.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAlready Free
    2 months ago

    I did want to tack on, but the annexation of Tibet was absolutely not peaceful. After initial negotiations failed, the campaign opened with the Battle of Chamdo and resulted in several thousand casualties, the majority of which were on the Tibetian side. It was only after this that the PLA requested the Tibetan capitulation, to which the Dalia Lama agreed, and Tibet entered annexation negotiations.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAlready Free
    2 months ago

    Yes, it sounds absurd, but 95% of the population were enslaved.

    The economy was closed off, agricultural based, and in all effect, a self-made hermit kingdom centered around a theocracy of the Dalia Lama.

    While this source is Chinese, it is excellently sourced, and should answer essentially every one of your questions. It also details the history of the slavery, and the extent to which it was baked into Tibetan society. Not to mention a population breakdown that adds up to 95% of the population being enslaved serfs, or chattel slaves.

    Chinese involvement arose primarily from three facts. The first being that if they claimed to be a socialist country, but allowed a neighboring theocratic country to practice chattel slavery, it would make them immensely hypocritical. The second being that bandits stationed in Tibet would frequently raid and pillage the Chinese countryside bordering Tibet, with these attacks only intensifying as the west sent Tibet arms and money. Finally, the third reason being that Tibet was historically part of China before the breakup in the early 20th century, and incorporating the country back into china made historical sense while freeing its population made moral, economic, historical, and ethical sense.

    http://za.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zt/12/200903/t20090319_7636208.htm#:~:text=However%2C serfs and slaves%2C who,marriage of serfs and slaves.