Chronicon [they/them]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • Originally I thought philosophy as a discipline was basically so far up its own ass as to be useless, then I took one or two philosophy classes and had some genuine interest, then I got politically engaged and read more philosophy outside of a classroom environment, and ultimately decided my original feeling was mostly correct.

  • I agree nobody’s really flipping from D to R or vice versa, but do you really think trump doesn’t also have to gin up some excitement to bring out his base? his recent rizzlessness seems like it could get some of the hogs who like him to go back to not voting

    But yeah. the majority of movement is on the dem side this year. Trump isn’t doing himself any favors but he could still win if they fumble the PR cycle hard enough

  • I dont wanna get into exactly which device(s) I do use since its a pretty small niche but it really hasnt been too bad. I used a linux phone for a while and that is kinda more practical in some circumstances (can get maps, etc) but also has flaws currently that dumber devices don’t.

    Eventually I’ll probably get into a situation where I need maps and cant access them, but so far I haven’t, just by planning ahead mainly, navigating just by the grid layout of my city sometimes, and bringing a device with a browser with when I think I’ll really need it. I have a pretty good sense of direction and know most of my city like the back of my hand, which helps, but I could also always just call someone or bother a passerby or friend.

    getting to plans and finding people has been 100% fine tbh.

    I haven’t gotten stranded yet either. I bike a lot and carry minimal tools to do things like patch a tire. In a car I might have to call someone but I’m not exactly out driving past 2am that often so if I’m in town I could also take transit, or I can fix or troubleshoot some minor car issues on the spot as well if I’m lucky and its something simple.

    I’m privileged to be able to do all this stuff in some ways I guess but its also fun and may not be as hard as you think!

    I know an older (maybe young gen x) guy who didnt get even a dumbphone until like last year. just a landline kind of guy. I think he had a computer at home, he wasnt a luddite, but mostly was just a cash money, talk in person kind of dude