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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t believe evey meetup posts pictures of their entire groups, nor do I think there’s a database for that, or that, if that database existed, it would be a good tool for assessing whether or not men are more likely to be outcasts. Reddit is only one social media site, like I said, and has a shrinking market share. Whether or not other social media platforms are conducive to conversations was never my point, it was the one-sidedness of saying men are more likely to be social outcasts. I don’t think looking at a few pictures of reddit meetups proves anything.

  • I looked that up and couldn’t find any data on the demographics for reddit IRL meetups. But we were debating whether or not more men or women go online to find community. My point what that women don’t always out themselves because of negative attention. The most recent statistics I found showed that women in the US are self reported to more likely to use social media than men. Worldwide, it varies by the platform, but the disparity is highest on Twitter, with more male users. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t work when people are actively avoiding being recognized as women, and online communities can vary widely in their gender makeup.

  • If outcasts are people who don’t feel welcome in any irl or mainstream communities; women are just as likely to be outcasts. Women online can avoid outing themselves because even female oriented online support spaces get brigaded by men. There are a handful of female artists in my circle who identify as male online because they kept getting creepy dms. They still get them, of course, but less so. Less violent and rapey.

    Who knows how many women are out there, lurking in the shadows, just trying to look at memes about linux and communism.