Its not getting any better. dont know what to do. I cant live in a future like this. All of the work we have put out is now gone. Ita going to get worse

    4 months ago

    You are correct. It will almost certainly get worse. Will there be awful climate catastrophes? Yes. Will we hit and possibly break 2°C? Probably.

    Should we give up, because we know we, in this current generation, won’t live in a future with clean energy? No. Many people who fought for Civil Rights did not live to see the fruits of their labor. Many suffragettes died long before getting the right to vote. None of them knew if they would succeed.

    And while many of us will meet the same fate, we have the opportunity to do what our parents and grandparents could not bring themselves to do: ensure the generations after us have a better future than they would have had otherwise. They will face hardships I probably can’t imagine, but I will continue to fight and hope and give them a strong foundation upon which they can build their own destiny.

    Take time to grieve. Know that your feelings are valid, and when you’re ready, the rest of us will still be here.