Even with the new 100% tariff on electric vehicles imported from China, BYD would still have the cheapest EV in the US. According to a new report, BYD’s lowest-priced EV would still undercut all US automakers at under $25,000.
After discontinuing the production of vehicles powered entirely by internal combustion engines in March 2022, BYD has been at the forefront of the industry’s shift to EVs.
Honestly in my opinion it is time to remove all tariffs on EVs under 25k and let anyone who wants to fill that slot in. American car manufacturers refuse to fill the market need.
If there is no demand, then there is nothing to worry about. Remove the tariffs and let China offer 15k cars here in America.
Mmmmmmmm nothing has ever gone wrong with letting China do what they want in a country that isn’t china…spycars, cheap builds, crappy workmanship, locking countries into debt traps. I give china zero trust, not like I trust American companies either but we’re already stuck with them. I’d rather not see more garbage here thanks.
As opposed to American spy cars, cheap builds, crappy workmanship? Also do you think the US locks countries in debt traps? All of those things are already here in the US. Chinese made cars are selling like crazy because there is a demand not met by US companies. It would seem to me that the correct step is to force the hand of American companies by importing significantly cheaper EV alternatives. China is subsidizing their ev sales to ramp up production and lower costs through increase in volume.
I didn’t choose my country, but I’m stuck in it. I’ll trust home over the neighbours first.
You’re one of the servants, not the house owner.
Will tariffs fix any of these issues?
US companies are only a small fraction of the market here. The tariffs aren’t there to protect US companies, they’re there to protect US manufacturing and the US auto industry which is made up of mostly foreign brands.
This is the most ‘China bad for no particular reason’ post I’ve ever seen
Good points.
i do agree, they should be let in just that dont expect those prices. in order to keep a price low they need the supply chain at a local factory in order to match said price, as well as adhere to the saftey standards for vehicles in said country (they arent the same globally). even in countries that has a BYD factory like Thailand do not get the low end prices that you basically only see in China. While id like the doors open, just keep in mind the vehicles sit closer to 17-22k pre local changes and built fully in said country.
A few half way decent 20k cars here would be very helpful.
Why don’t you buy a Bolt or Leaf if you want a 20k EV?
Because those are not good cars. The low range of the Leaf and slow recharge of the Bolt make them impractical.