I had never posted there before and if I was banned before I wouldn’t be able to press on Create Post. I checked but have never received a message before from r/bangladesh that I was banned. I think they have an automatic filter that picked up on the words ‘US sponsored coup’. Can someone post the same picture as me with the same text to see if this is not just a me thing? I checked, I can create comments in other subreddits but can’t post comments or posts in r/bangladesh anymore even though I didn’t receive a notification I’m banned. I can’t even see the list of moderators of r/bangladesh anymore.

But another reminder the Reddit is a US website with links to their government and a lot of national subreddits are compromised like r/afghanistan

  • okay, i can’t stay silent any longer.

    i was hoping to make a post here in a few weeks/months about stuff, especially my perspective on the revolution since i literally fucking lived through it; but i keep seeing posts about my country pop up and keep seeing people devalue the shit people here went through under hasina’s government as “color revolution”. so guess i’m doing this early.

    i doubt r/bangladesh has been CIA’d but definitely stay away from r/dhaka - that one has 100% been CIA’d based on recent discovery (where one of the mods is literally named westminister institute). try r/chekulars, it’s where the leftists hang out.

    hindutva media has been peddling on and on and on about how this is an us-backed color revolution; coupled with exaggerating every little negative outcome that came from the aftermath of this revolution. nevermind the fact that this happened because the previous government:

    • for the third fucking time tried to push this nepotistic bullshit quota law regarding jobs onto us where it’s only 42% merit-based, and among the rest of the 58% :- freedom fighters and their kids get 30% of the jobs just because they got freedom fighter blood, essentially making the class division even worse and deifying freedom fighters as some special people like how hasina deified her dad (nevermind the fact that he was AGAINST the independence of our country until the end, and people of our country even CELEBRATED his assassination!!! yeah! he was that fucking bad. and this news was published in physical newspapers in 1975 - which was not allowed to be accessed {the excuse they gave was “technical reasons”} until now)
    • and the fact that the government couldn’t keep it in their pants, kept intimidating us and even let their guard dogs (chatro league, as well as the coppers+army) loose to hurt unarmed students and protesters like abu sayed or even mir mugdho, like they did back during the street protests a few years back. oh and did i mention they kept tampering with the internet like it’s some kind of plaything - in an attempt to keep us from alerting the rest of the internet about this? and the guy in charge kept giving dumbass excuses like “oh, the internet’s gone because data centers got destroyed, oopsie woopsie owo” or how “internet’s slow cause lots of people are using vpn (removed you keep censoring websites like crazy)” or how “internet’s slow because of maintenance”. nevermind the fact that cloudflare and telenor fucking reported that this was 100% government-sanctioned shutdown. but hey, these are the only things you can spout when you didn’t graduate with a compsci degree but a fucking degree in bangla and think so fucking low of your country’s people that you think they’d believe anything you throw in their faces. jesus christ.

    literally, all the government had to do was keep their fucking mouth shut, swallow their fucking pride and ego; and give in to the protestor’s demands and stop trying to fucking push the godawful nepotistic law onto us for every fucking 4 years. that was literally it. this revolution never would’ve happened if she did that. but noooo, she just had to fucking show off her fucking might, her invincibility by mowing down unarmed protesters and even innocent kids!!! everyone in this country was pissed at her for a long time, hence why you didn’t see much resistance (and more people actually joining in).

    i will say though, i wish people here stopped defending hasina so much. she’s not even leftist. i for one am glad that she’s gone, even if it doesn’t change a single situation regarding queer people like me, or the fact that the left (actual socialist/commie left) is still very much dead. but at the same time, people can actually say what’s on their mind now without worrying about chatro league assassins or coppers getting in their houses for “saying the wrong thing” or “believing the wrong thing”.

    i’ll talk more about this in some other time, but, yeah. like i said, try posting in r/chekulars.

    also maybe search about the color revolution shit on the subreddits/megathreads? since i’m sure it has been talked a lot already, with how much indian media has been hyperfocusing on it (as well as every single bad thing that’s happening here right now) now that their puppet is no longer in power.

    also re: your r/afghanistan comment - r/afghans is the replacement for it.

    also re: your mod comment - last i checked (which was a long time ago but still), i didn’t see any sussy usernames on the mod list. there are 2 active mods whose username i remember but idk if i should publicly post it here. if you’re worried about r/bangladesh’s moderation i guess try making a post about it on r/metabangladesh (the place r/bangladesh’s mods decided where meta posts should be allowed in after r/bangladesh used to get hordes and hordes of meta posts in the past) or - again, in r/chekulars?

      • why are we taking the words of a hypocritical professional yapper who - said she doesn’t run away, only to run away when students were about to get into the gonobhobon (prime minister’s house) - seriously?

        once again, she implies that all this happened only because uncle sam was denied from getting his toys; nevermind the fact that she kept pushing the quota law onto us and kept flexing her muscle whenever we tried to talk against it. we tried to do this peacefully, but she decided to intimidate us and gun us down instead. none of us even had guns, just sticks and stones at best. and yet that’s enough to frighten hasina’s goons into gunning us down. something about if peaceful resolution/revolution is impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.