Kernel level and admin level is not the same thing. For example on windows, you can’t really write your own kernel driver, and on Linux even root can’t do everything if capabilities have been revoked.
For the purpose of protecting important data, the distinction really doesn’t matter. And the good old xkcd comic has a point - for many people, all relevant data is in the user’s accessible storage area anyways. Hence me running almost all internet applications and steam in a jail.
Kernel level and admin level is not the same thing. For example on windows, you can’t really write your own kernel driver, and on Linux even root can’t do everything if capabilities have been revoked.
For the purpose of protecting important data, the distinction really doesn’t matter. And the good old xkcd comic has a point - for many people, all relevant data is in the user’s accessible storage area anyways. Hence me running almost all internet applications and steam in a jail.