• BlackLaZoR@kbin.run
    1 month ago

    No, of course. Only the bad things are socialist!

    Well it happens it’s a shitty system.

    You’re pretty fucking stupid my man

    That’s pretty rich coming from a person who probably cant even define socialism, not to mention applying that definition in real life

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      1 month ago

      That’s pretty rich coming from a person who probably cant even define socialism, not to mention applying that definition in real life

      Projection. Your previous comment pretty much just said it has to be USSR countries, which is absolutely wrong.

      Capitalism is a shitty system. So many capitalist countries have horrible living conditions and/or have collapsed. You just don’t hear about them because the capitalists want you to support capitalism and hate alternatives.

      So many socialist countries have failed because of the intervention of capitalist countries. We can’t know what would have happened if they were left alone. If socialism was such a shitty system it wouldn’t require intervention everywhere it appears to ensure it fails. It’d be left to fail on it’s own. Instead we (the US mostly, with other countries assistance) support coups, replace elected leaders with dictators, assassinate legitimately elected officials, support genocides, undermine labor movements, enact embargos, and all kinds of other things.

      Again, if socialism was doomed to failure none of this would be required. There would be no reason to fear it spreading. Instead capitalist countries see it as as an existential threat. Why is that so if it’s such a bad system? Could you have been mislead?

      • BlackLaZoR@kbin.run
        1 month ago

        Capitalism is a shitty system. So many capitalist countries have horrible living conditions and/or have collapsed

        You have no idea what are you talking about. I happen to be born in one of those post socialist countries, and had to grow up in the shit left after that failed system.

        Do you know how did it fail? After USSR lost it’s grip on the eastern Europe, the governments in these countries for the first time organized free, untampered elections, and the socialists system lost by the vote of the people in every single one of them. Everyone hated it, even the governments that were previously tasked by USSR to enforce it.

        And you know what happened next? Decades of rebuilding of the broken economy, EU accesion, access to the common EU market, and the greatest wealth creation in the history of these republics.

        Your argument is invalid.

        Again, if socialism was doomed to failure none of this would be required

        Are you joking? Do you know how many lives were ruined or lost before that cursed thing fell apart??? All the poverty all the repression, it’s all fucked up, and you want this pathology to be tolerated around the world?

        You bought into a toxic cult. Face it.

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          1 month ago

          Yeah man, I didn’t defend the USSR. It was pretty shit. It was designed to funnel wealth out of all the other USSR countries into Russia, specifically into the hands of the elite. It was pretty fucked up and exploitative. I don’t know what that has to do with the exact same thing happening in capitalist countries though. Socialism wasn’t the issue. It was authoritarianism and imperialism.

          You’re only talking about USSR countries. That is where you’re entire breadth of knowledge is coming from seemingly. There’s a whole world out there. Just because the USSR fucked over so many people doesn’t mean socialism must. Again, capitalist countries fuck over a ton of people too. Is it also evil by requirement?

          • BlackLaZoR@kbin.run
            1 month ago

            Imagine this: In my country capitalism didn’t fuck people. To the contrary, it provided them with wealth and prosperity previous generations could only envy

            • Cethin@lemmy.zip
              1 month ago

              Where are you from? I can bet you they’re extracting wealth form places like Africa. Just because you, or people near you, aren’t being exploited doesn’t mean it’s not happening. You are just the one benefiting from it now. Those people benefiting from the USSR’s exploitation thought it was amazing too. Who would have guessed that people like being the ones at the top?

              • BlackLaZoR@kbin.run
                1 month ago

                Where are you from?

                I’m from Poland. I was born around the time socialist system fell, and was replaced by capitalism.

                Mistakes were made, hyperinflation destroyed all the wealth that remained in the early 90s, everyone was impoverished billionaire. Wherever you looked it was neverending gray desolation, broken, disfunctional infrastructure buliding falling apart and so on. But then government employed western economic advisors, budget has been balanced, money printing stopped, necessary reforms were made and over the next three decades Poland grew from a complete africa-like removed into an european economic powerhouse.

                Just to put it into number average monthly salary was like 100-200 USD equivalent in the 90s vs around 2000 USD now.

                How can you dismiss achievement like this? You can’t. You probably were never told about this in the first place. What you should ask yourself is why nobody talks about it?

                • Cethin@lemmy.zip
                  1 month ago

                  What you should ask yourself is why nobody talks about it?

                  I was told about this. In fact, it’s about the only thing I was told about former USSR nations prior to becoming an adult.

                  How can you dismiss achievement like this?

                  When did I dismiss it? I acknowledged it in fact. The USSR siphoned wealth out of these countries to benefit the elite. It sucked.

                  You’re dismissing that you’re now benefitting from extracting wealth from these “removed” African nations. How is that a good thing? The people there are making less than what the people in Poland were making under the USSR, yet you ignore it. You get to live the life you live by buying products made by the impoverished in Africa, China, Vietnam, and everywhere else where the poor are being worked and not being paid their fare share. All of this is happening under capitalism (yes, even in China).

                  It’s easy to say “I’m doing better” while ignoring the suffering and exploitation you’re told to ignore that you benefit from. Whatever group is at the top tends to exploit some other group. It just so happens that Poland used to be the group exploited and is now the exploiter. The USSR needed to find nations they could siphon wealth from just as Poland needs to (and is).

                  You can still find many people who benefited from the USSR’s control and long for it to return because they ignored people like the people of Poland who suffered, just as you’re ignoring the people you benefit from today. You’re as bad as those people who wished for the USSR to continue, but you don’t realize why they were bad yet. You just see yourself happy and ignore anything else, because you’re only worrying about yourself.

                  • BlackLaZoR@kbin.run
                    1 month ago

                    First, the notion that somone producing goods I’m paying for the amount they ask is somehow exploitative is ridiculous.

                    Second, Poland has almost no economic ties neither with africa, nor vietnam. We have a lot of trade with the rest of EU and China


                    Forth: European Union has Tarifs on products from OUTSIDE


                    They want the goods to be produced INSIDE the EU!!!

                    What you just said is all wrong on so many levels that’s it makes me cringe.