A disturbing book plans a ruthless total war against the “unhuman” left.

  • reddwarf@feddit.nl
    2 months ago

    You will probably not like this and I for sure don’t but there is no denying it anymore. Half the US, or probably more like 30-ish percent, is fascist and/or racist and substantially sprinkled in religious fairy dust. The country harbors persons who are hateful, ignorant, dumb, like to vote against their own interest and easily fooled by con-men and crooks. And again, religion is the root of many issues here.

    How this came to be is a whole other story and I partially blame the Dutch and British. Being Dutch myself I want to offer my sincere apologies for this. ask me why I think this is the case and I will try to explain as best as I can.

    • rayyy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Half the US, or probably more like 30-ish percent, is fascist

      Smedley Butler explained how it worked when businessmen tried to install a fascist government in the 1930s. They would hire 25 people to go out and spread fascist bullshit to dumb folks, then they would go around and spread that bullshit to likewise ignorant folks in their circles. Pretty soon they had thousands spreading the same bullshit to all their neighbors. They continually reinforced the bullshit amongst themselves over and over. Sound familiar?

      • reddwarf@feddit.nl
        2 months ago

        A couple of hunderd years ago there were factions inside England and Holland who were extremely religious, pious and very wary of society as it was at the time. Distrust and disagreement on how society should operate and focus on. These groups were at odds with the rest of society. Mind you, the Dutch had a (relative for the time) relaxed and accepting stance on people with different opinions and/or religion. Not sure how England fared with that at the time though, they could have been more ‘strict’ as a society. And even in that atmosphere of acceptance and ‘you do you’ attitude the people of Holland got very annoyed and upset at these fanatical groups, it just clashed with the rest of society. It got to a point where the situation was unsustainable and something had to be done as the people started to realize that these groups would go to any lengths to impose their views and religious understandings on the rest of the country. Ditto for the English I suppose.

        At a certain point the English started to ship these people to the colonies, i.e. America. The Dutch had a particular view on the matter. They ‘offered’ these people two choices:

        1. You take all your belongings, put it on a ship and f*ck of the America. And they had to buy their own tickets as well, essentially financing their own forced expulsion. We are Dutch after all :-)
        2. We cut your heads of, literally. Execution was on the table as would be your head if you refused to leave.


        And in doing the forced expulsion of these nutjobs to the other side of the world got rid of the problem. And hence we exported the (as seen at the time at least) unreasonable crazies of the country to America. These people were part of the building and rise of the US, core members of society from an early stage.

        Hence my theory and opinion that by exporting the religious crazies who held very odd and fanatical views on how society should be run become part of the ‘core’ of the US. It is my belief that this caused mayhem and anti-social, entitled morons to be part of the US and we can see the results today.

        But I could be wrong of course 😀