Donald Trump is proving he’s racist and stupid with his latest post.

In a Truth Social post Thursday morning, Donald Trump appeared to suggest, again, that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris isn’t really Black, ramping up his identity-based attacks to the horror of those in his party who consider racism a losing electoral strategy.

Earlier in the week, many GOP strategists, including in the Trump camp, worried that attacks on Harris’s race and gender—which seemed all but inevitable considering Trump’s history of racism and misogyny—would pose a serious liability for the campaign. “We hope he doesn’t act like a crazy racist and sexist person, but we can’t control him,” a source close to the campaign told The Washington Post.

These hopes were quickly dashed in the course of Trump’s interview with the National Association of Black Journalists Wednesday afternoon, in which the candidate claimed that, for years, Vice President Kamala Harris “was Indian all the way, and then suddenly she made a turn and she became a Black person.”

    3 months ago

    Here’s what I don’t get, regardless of if your black or indian, if you grew up in america with dark skin you likely have faced all the same struggles that any black voter would care about.

    No, that’s very much not true, except maybe on a very superficial “some bigot called me a slur” kind of level. Indian-Americans are disproportionately wealthy and highly-educated; African-Americans are disproportionately the opposite. African-Americans have been subjected to institutional racism for centuries that is still ongoing because of the extreme wealth disparities it created (e.g. even after theoretically abolishing redlining decades ago, houses in black neighborhoods still don’t appreciate in value at the same rate ones in white neighborhoods do… except when the neighborhood gentrifies and forces the black people out). Meanwhile, the bulk of Indian-Americans arrived after the Civil Rights Act, Fair Housing Act, etc. and had the means and opportunity to move straight into middle-class white neighborhoods and assimilate.

    That’s not to say that Indian-Americans don’t face “struggles:” discrimination against Indian-American tech workers in particular is definitely a thing, especially motivated by a “the H1-Bs turk err jerbs” sentiment. (Meanwhile, Black engineers are treated either normally or at worst, as a curiosity, because there are so few of them to begin with. Pop quiz: why are there so few of them to begin with…?)

    So, no: while it’s true that all minorities are subject to discrimination, the type and extent of that discrimination varies greatly between different minority groups. The struggles are not the same.

    Getting back to the real question you asked: the reason Trump wants to treat Harris as Indian, not Black, is to try to delegitimatize her in the eyes of Black voters as being some kind of elite that doesn’t actually understand their struggle.

      3 months ago

      Huh, very valid points. I guess I was assuming casual racism that would come from only appearances and assumptions. But you are right that economic class heavily impacts the discrimination a person faces and that’s specifically where african americans have been hit the hardest historically.

      Thanks for providing more context.

      3 months ago

      Valid points indeed, but I think this strategy might not work in his favor, because anyone who had to endure any kind of racial discrimination based on something like skin color will be offended by these attacks. The old white man simply doesn’t have any legitimacy to comment on someone being too black or not black enough. It’s disgusting and weird.

        3 months ago

        It won’t. He only understands racism from a white perspective and is trying to apply that elsewhere, which is why it’s extra ridiculous.